Friday, June 26, 2015

Our Busy Week Recap

I don't normally do weekly recaps....mostly because they would be boring. However, this week was oddly busy. A few things were planned, some were not, and some just kind of sneaked up on me. The first 2 weeks of summer were filled with family. This was the first week back to just me and Mr. B. Or so I thought.....
Sunday was Father's Day. He had to work 8-4. I went to church with my sister, her fiance, and baby Jude. After church, I helped them pack up and they headed home. I had some lunch, a quick nap, and headed back to church for a VBS meeting. Mr. B met me at church for evening services. After services, we met his parents at Spring Creek BBQ for dinner. Then we headed to Wooly's Frozen Custard to meet up with Mr. B's sister and her family. We didn't get home till 9:00 that evening. We relaxed with some TV before heading off to bed.

Monday Mr. B was off and decided to do some yard work and things around the house. I went to visit friends for the day. Since it's summer and I'm home all day, Mr. B doesn't really get days to his self, so this was a good opportunity for him to have a little alone time with me being gone all day. I spent the day shopping and swimming with one of twin BFFs. When her sister got off work, we went to the gym for a little Cardio Dance Jam. I think I'm still feeling the effects of that class. This white girl has very little, if any, rhythm. She's already asking when I'm coming back! I'll get back to you on that:)
I headed home late that night and had some TV time with Mr. B before heading to bed.

Tuesday I thought would be a chill at home kind of day. Well, I woke up to a text from a friend from work asking if I wanted to go swim and shop. Since I had just woke up, I said no to the swimming but yes to the shopping. I did some blogging and grabbed a quick workout before she showed up to pick me up for shopping. It was fun shopping with her and her sweet little girl! Although, I'm pretty sure she may not want to take me along when clothes are involved since I think her daughter needs every outfit out there. I can't help it! Baby clothes are so stinking cute. I need a baby just so I can dress him/her. I did get home at a decent hour to make dinner. Here's what was on the menu:

  1. Cajun Crab Tilapia
  2. Roasted brussels sprouts with bacon (for me)
  3. roasted zucchini (for Mr. B since he is a negative of those brussels)
  4. fresh garden tomatoes (from the in-law's garden) with fresh mozzarella a Greek dressing
I tossed the brussels and the zucchini in the same Greek dressing I used for the tomatoes and mozzarella. I seasoned them with Mrs. Dash garlic and herb seasoning and Cajun seasoning. I added raw bacon to the brussels and shredded cheese to the zucchini. I prefer to add Parmesean to both, but I was out. I have to special order the Greek dressing from Gazebo Room. Thanks, Tiff, for getting me hooked on that stuff.

Wednesday Mr. B was off again. We decided to put our Six Flags/Hurricane Harbor season passes to use. We went to the water park for a few hours that afternoon. We love the season pass/membership deal. We pay $22/month (for both of us) for a combo pass. Parking is even included. We don't feel like we've wasted money if we only want to stay 2-3 hours. We just like to float the river and wave pool. We ride a few slides, but mostly stick to floating. We like to get there early before it gets too hot and too crowded. You know it's time to leave when you can't float without running into someone. Mr. B is more of a thrill seeker, so he likes to ride the slides that shoot him out into 12ft of water. Yeah, not me. I used to be like that. #oldagehascaughtuptome I prefer the Sea Wolf raft ride that we ride together. That's about as much thrill as I can take. Afterwards, we stopped at Sonic Happy hour for a drink (this may or may not be my 3rd day in a row to do this.....#addictedtopeachteafromsonic) If it's summer and I'm out and about between the hours of 2-4, I'm getting a peach tea from Sonic. We grabbed a quick selfie in the car after our long day in the sun.

We went straight home and took a nap! It was longer than we expected it to be. We ended up doing leftovers from the night before while I finally got to watch Monday's episode of the Bachelorette and discuss with my girls from work. I caught up on some reading, and we watched a little more TV before heading to bed.

Thursday was another busy, but fun day. I woke up and did a few things around the house before grabbing a quick workout. After my workout, I got cleaned up and read for a bit before heading to our little team get together at a friend's house. It was a great time with good food and conversation. I mean, of course there was good food. It is us after all.

It was a late night since I didn't end up getting home until 9. I finished my book....FINALLY! Then it was bedtime. The weekend looks to be somewhat eventful, so we shall save that for another post.

1 comment:

  1. Look at you being good with your workouts!! Get it Ash! And that's an awesome deal for the water park, so fun!
