Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Captain Jude's DFW Adventures: Day 1 1/2

The name is Jude, Captain Jude the Dude! I'm almost 4 months old, and I need a vacation! I mean, life is hard as a baby. I don't understand half the things that these giant people are saying to me, and they definitely don't understand the way I communicated half the time. My Uncle Coop and Aunt Lee Lee came to visit this week. I don't see them very often. Apparently, my baby-cation is going to be with them. I spend a lot of time with Granny and Paw Paw. I wonder how different it can be? Mommy and daddy were sad to see me go, but they wanted me to hand out with my aunt and uncle since they live so far away.
Mommy made sure that Aunt Lee Lee had a list of my demands so she knew how to care for me. I know Aunt Lee Lee thinks she knows, but I'm a special baby according to my mama.

Now, I'm not really a cranky baby, but that was the longest car ride of my life!!! They wouldn't pull over when I tried to let them know I wasn't happy. They finally got the hint a LONG time later. I tried to sleep most of the ride away, but it was just so long! So as you can expect, I was cranky that night. I normally don't fuss too much, but I was hot, tired, and uncomfortable. Aunt Lee Lee did manage to get me to pose for a semi-decent picture upon our arrival.

I was so cranky, I couldn't enjoy my bath properly. That's saying something because I do love my bath time! I was a little concerned when I saw Uncle Coop was doing the bath giving. He looked a little nervous. I think he's new to this baby thing. But you know, he does a pretty good job. I kinda like the guy. I mean, he didn't drop me in the tub. I didn't feel the need to pee on him. He even read me a story.

I refused to go to sleep for him though. Aunt Lee Lee is just more cuddly than Uncle Coop. I zonked out at 10:30. 

I was kind to my aunt and uncle and let them sleep till 7:45 the next morning. It was their own fault if they didn't get much sleep. No one said they had to stay up after I went to bed. They did a good job of taking care of me. I woke up nicely with smiles and babble. 
Thankfully, they took the hint and got me a fresh diaper and a bottle. Aunt Lee Lee even took me for a walk. A hot walk, but a walk nonetheless.
Clearly, I was relaxed enough to sleep. She's not too bad of a driver.

I even got to play with Uncle Coop before he left.

Uncle Coop left. I got some lunch. I had some playtime. I took a nap. A short nap. Ain't nobody got time to sleep the day away in a new place. I don't want to miss something. Aunt Lee Lee claims she has lots of fun stuff for me to do. Well, when I woke up and had an afternoon bottle, she took me to swim. I met a new friend, Gabriella. She was nice. She was bigger than me and had WAY more hair. How come she gets to have all that hair and I have to be bald? We took a stroller ride to the pool. Of course, it was hot! Of course, I didn't care and passed out anyway.
Ain't I cute in my swim gear?
They even had a raft for me to float around in so I wouldn't get wet. It was rather relaxing, so I just took me another little snooze while I was pushed around the pool. I've got Aunt Lee Lee trained. When I woke up, Gabriella was so kind to let me try out her fun float. I got to be in the water for that one. It wasn't too bad. I think I need to grow a little bit more before I feel completely comfy in that float. That water got a little too close to my face in my opinion. Aunt Lee Lee and her friend took turns holding me while we floated in the water. I made sure to let them know when I was done with this water business. Then it was another long, hot stroller ride home. Clearly, I was not concerned.
And I stayed like this for a long time once we arrived home. I was exhausted!
When I woke up, I got a change and a bottle. Then Aunt Lee Lee had some cuddle time with me while we watched TV.
She made me watch a silly show that she likes. But to be fair, she does have some good shows that I like.
Clearly, I'm not impressed by her choice of shows....
Sometimes, she likes to set me on this large comfy thing....a couch, I think is what she calls it. I don't like not being able to see anyone. She "claims" she needs to do something real quick. I don't understand why I can't go, too. Of course I have a fit when she leaves. All is well when the puppy jumps up to keep me company. I have one of these at home. Mine is a bit fatter, but they look about the same. I decide to trust the puppy.
At least this one doesn't use my things like the one back home.
Aunt Lee Lee finally cuddles me to sleep. I do love Aunt Lee Lee cuddles. She's soft.
I think I'll survive this place. I wonder what we get to do tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you are having fun little Jude man! I love that you already have favorite TV shows & movies - you have figured out this life thing quick ;)
