Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Husband and Wife Q&A Fun

How well do Mr. B and I know each other? I found this cute little survey on Facebook and thought it would be fun for us to do together. First off, let's see how well Mr. B knows me (hint: there's a height question that he totally spotted me 2 inches on)

1. What is something your wife says to you? "I quit you!" (in a most joking matter, of course)
2. What makes your wife happy? coming home from work and being with me (that, and a good book)
3. What makes your wife sad? when someone lies to her
4. How does your wife make you laugh? she tickles me and picks on me
5. What was your wife like as a child? oh, from what I'm hearing....ornery. very ornery.
6. How old is your wife? 29
7. How tall is your wife? 5'7 (maybe in my heels....!)
8. What is her favorite thing to do? go to the bathroom (it's my quiet time. don't judge.)
9. What does your wife do when you're not around? read
10. If your wife becomes famous, what will it be for? singing
11. What is your wife really good at? the finances
12. What is your wife not very good at? yard work
13. What does your wife do for a job? teacher
14. What is your wife's favorite food? I honestly don't remember, so I'm just going to say something....boneless wings (oh, how true that is. I love those and chips!)
15. What makes you proud of your wife? how she handles herself. She is very strong, independent.
16. If your wife was a character, who would she be? Minnie Mouse: she is sweet and caring, but don't cross her
17. What do you and your wife do together? sit on the couch and watch TV
18. How are you and your wife the same? we both love pepperoni pizza
19. How are you and your wife different? she is very anal and I'm laid back (#truth)
20. How do you know your wife loves you? the way she looks at me; she smiles at me
21. What does your wife like most about you? I think my quirkiness
22. Where is your wife's favorite place to go? the grocery store (WRONG! I hate grocery shopping. I wish someone would do it for me. I enjoy the library, Target, painting classes, the pool, and on some occasions....a good shopping center)
23. How old was your wife when you were born? 7 months still in the womb

Now, how well do I know Mr. B???

1. What is something your husband says to you? "I'm sorry. I love you" (he thinks these two phrases save him from all wrong doing because he's so adorable)
2. What makes your husband happy? any type of affection....and maybe a new video game every now and then
3. What makes your husband sad? when he thinks he's done something wrong or messed up
4. How does your husband make you laugh? his general personality; he's goofy and absent minded. I also can't help but laugh when I hear him laugh. He has the best laugh.
5. What was your husband like as a child? sweet and affectionate. A very happy child.
6. How old is your husband? 29
7. How tall is your husband? 5'7
8. What is his favorite thing to do? sit on the couch and watch TV
9. What does your husband do when you're not around? Sit on the couch and watch TV or play video games
10. If your husband becomes famous, what would it be for? maybe cooking one day. When he really focuses and gives it his all, he's a really great cook!
11. What is your husband really good at? aside from taking good care of me, seasoning and marinating meat
12. What is your husband not very good at? handling money
13. What does your husband do for a job? he works as a chef in the deli at a grocery store
14. What is your husband's favorite food? chips/salsa and pizza
15. What makes you proud of your husband? he tries hard at many things and has this drive to succeed and make others happy. He doesn't like anyone around him to be upset. He's the nicest and most caring person I've ever met.
16. If your husband was a character, who would he be? Goofy-he tries so hard at things and feels so horrible when they don't go as planned. Yet, you just can't help but love him for his efforts and how adorable he is.
17. What do you and your husband do together? painting classes
18. How are you and your husband the same? We prefer to stay at home most days and just relax together....even if that is just sitting on polar opposite sides of the couch with the TV on in the background while we're both on our iPads
19. How are you and your husband different? I'm such a planner and think long term when making most decisions. He struggles with making decisions on the spot and is more of a "go with the flow" kind of guy (yeah, that was a really detailed way of saying the same answer he gave to this question)
20. How do you know your husband loves you? Aside from the fact that he tells me several times throughout the day, I get a kiss every morning and every night....no matter what, he's always doing things for me even if I can do them myself....he's got a servant's heart.
21. What does your husband like most about you? My randomness and humor. I'm always making up random words, singing at random times (usually random words/lyrics), and just cracking jokes (often at his expense)
22. What is your husband's favorite place to go? He really prefers to stay at home, but he really enjoys guitar center.
23. How old was your husband when you were born? He was exactly 2 months old!

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