Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Total Transformation Week 4 and Recap Week 3

Week 3 of another successful camp has come and gone. Oh, HIIT week, how I love you! This is probably my favorite week of camp. Friday's workout was so much fun. We did some station work in groups and had to take selfies at each station. Here are a few of my favs.....

I love me some fire hose work!

Resistance band training to get those gains!

Silly selfie with my girl, Megan!

Swinging sledge hammers and hitting things is always fun!

Since I finally decided to play BINGO this camp to earn my free shirt, I needed to post my CG story. I made this little collage of me, including my mission poster I made last week at my Leader in Me training. I've come a long way and still have a long way to go. I'm getting stronger every day, and I love the way I feel. 
Here's what I posted about my journey: 
I've been doing CG since January when my friend Pamela Bailey Gray hooked me up with a free camp. I was hooked after those 4 weeks. I started going 3 times a week and quickly bumped it up to 5! I even made the transition from PM camps to early morning camps. I've made some great friends that push me daily and hold me accountable with 4:30 am texts (yay Megan Mittelstedt Sneed!). I've had Robin Grannan in my ear at every workout pushing me to go harder and do things that I didn't think I could do. I'm so much stronger and more confident than I was in the beginning. I remember my first goal was to make it the whole warm up lap without having to walk. Now I'm training for CG games and lifting 15-20 pound weights. I ‪#‎choosechange‬ because I deserve it. I even convinced my husband to come with me. We be a ‪#‎fitcouplefolife‬! This first picture was in July 2015 at our vacation in Mexico WITH Spanx. The next picture is me in May 2016 WITHOUT Spanx. The last picture is me last weekend! I'm a long way from where I want to be, but I'm a long way from where I was.

Since I was going out of town for the weekend, I knew I'd miss my chance at a Saturday workout. I NEEDED a Saturday workout because I knew the gluttony that I would partake in that weekend. Thankfully, TPT had sent me this workout last week and my parents had weights at their house. 

They sat on the porch and kept time while watching me sweat it out in their front yard. I was so glad I got a workout in because I was naughty on Friday. I was REALLY naughty on Saturday. And well, I was a little naughty on Sunday. Saturday was an epic downfall. I mean, the food at our family was off the chain! It was one of those things where you had to strategically place the food on your plate to have room for everything. You also had to be OK with stacking things on top of each other....unless you wanted to look greedy and have 2 plate. 

This pretty much sums up how I felt after Saturday's food adventures. Side note: I love this Bitmoji app!

With all that being said, I found this picture that accurately describes my relationship with food vs. Mr. B's relationship with food. If he had been there, he would've suffered no consequences. Me, on the other hand, will probably have to be extra strict this week so I don't bomb my body assessment this Friday. I want to show body fat loss. That can be hard after a weekend of gluttony.

However, I'm back at it for week 4! I made my plan and intend to stick to it. 
I felt the urge to decorate and be colorful for this final week. I don't really have anything that should impede my journey this week. I'm home for the most part, so I should be able to stay on track. 

Since I officially was offered my new job last Friday, I got to attend their 3 day training on the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. This is probably one of the best workshops I've been to in all my years of education. I learned so much. I got to spend time with my new teammates and get to know them. I even found out some things about my new place of work. I'm looking forward to learning more as the summer goes on.

Tuesday we had the funeral for Mr. B's grandpa. It was a nice service. After the service, we went back to his parents' house for some lunch and family time. That meant I got to spend lots of time playing with one of my favorite nephews (notice how I said "one of" because I adore all 4 of them equally).
This sweetie and I played all afternoon. My favorite part was when he was trying to explain to me why he called me and "aunt" when I wasn't a bug. (you totally had to be there)

That evening I finally had a much needed hair appointment. I decided to chop it off even shorter and lighten it up a bit. I think I'm going to work my way back to blonde. It'll be a long process, but I need a change. 
I love my new hair. Then again, I always love when I get my hair done.

I flew into Lubbock Friday morning. I ended up making a friend on the flight over. We were going to reconnect on the flight back since we were on the same one, but weather issues prevented that from happening. Apparently, the weather in Dallas was awful Sunday. My first flight got cancelled. Then I booked the last available flight out of Lubbock at 7:05 that evening. Well, it got delayed till 8:00, 9:55, 11:05, 12:15, then finally cancelled altogether. It was at the 11:05 mark that we decided it would just be easier to drive back. So, my parents brought me to Abilene where Mr. B and his dad were waiting for me to bring me back home. I didn't get in bed until after midnight that night. Yeah, there was no 5 AM workout Monday morning for me. I had to deal with the brutal mid-morning heat at 8:45 instead.

On the bright side, I was reunited with my precious Chunky Dunky when I arrived Friday morning.
I love that sweet face. 

Mom had us going all day long once I got off that plane. We headed home so I could drop off my stuff and we could make a plan for the day. We were running errands all day. We stopped for a brief break to take a dip in the pool. Chunky Dunky didn't like it at first. He screamed until he got used to it. It was a bit chilly since the wind was blowing and the water was cold. After the swim, we had to run a few  more errands. By the time we got home and got dinner cooked, it was after 9:00. I enjoyed the grilled pork chops and grilled veggies! Then it was off to bed since we had a long day on Saturday.

Saturday I was up early because I had things to do. I needed to do the cooking for the reunion. I made brownies from a box and my famous loaded mashed potatoes. Dad had the bright idea to throw some corn in. It was a tasty addition. After cooking for the reunion, I helped dad make breakfast. Then it was outside for a sweaty weight workout. We headed to the reunion and had lunch and visited. I played cards and dominoes with my mom and sister. Before we knew it, it was dinner time and it was on! I wasn't the only one who partook in the gluttony.....
Chunky Dunky got after that cherry cheesecake.

Then true to form, we got to drive home in a monsoon. Check out those clouds. This happened to us last year, too. Right as we were cleaning up and getting ready to leave, a big storm hits. When we were arriving back in Lubbock, it wasn't raining. It was just blowing wind at 60 mph. Welcome home, Ashley, welcome home!

Sunday was a relaxing day at my parents' house. Mom and I played games all afternoon since my flight was delayed/cancelled. Then at 6:00 that evening, we made our way east to take me home. And here we are....a new week. I have a few things on my to-do list. One of them is reading. I'd really like to get to do that sometime. 

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