Monday, June 27, 2016

Austin Vacation 2016

We just came back from our first vacation this year. We decided to stay in the country this year and take 2 cheap, in-state vacations. We were gone from Wednesday afternoon to Sunday evening. It was BOLD week for CG, so I didn't feel so bad missing my workouts. I really enjoyed getting to sleep past 4:15 every morning. 

Enjoying my coffee while thinking about my #threadlife girls at (not 4:30 in the morning)!

I knew I should probably get in at least one workout this week since I'm closing in on 100! I knew my NBCOC peeps would probably be doing a PM workout, so I asked just to make sure. I figured if I told them I was coming, then I wouldn't be able to back out at the last minute. It was a good workout and not too terribly hot. Thankful for the shade, little running, and lots of weights!

The NBCOC CG crew.....sweaty and swole!

We left for Austin on Wednesday afternoon. I had a bag and a cooler full of snacks (that I may or may not have gotten into about 3 times in the short drive) in the back seat of the car. I made Mr. B drive so I could read. We arrived around 6:30 that evening, and I got right to the main business of the trip...
Nephew snuggles!!!!!

Baby Owen has gotten so big since I last saw him in March. He was super snuggly and so much fun to interact with!

And my love! This sweet boy is my first nephew and I just LOVE him! He played the "pick on" game with me a lot over these past few days. I think I taught him well. He also may have gotten me addicted to a cooking game on my phone......

So Thursday we wake up and head to Schilliterbaun. I'm excited to go back since the last time we were there I couldn't really participate in much since I had babies on board. That was so not the case this time. When we arrived, we got out locker and decided to try out this rapid ride. It is here that I realized that I'm no longer a thrill ride person anymore. I discovered that about myself at Six Flags a couple of years ago. Apparently, it holds true for water rides, too. I flipped out of my tube (which is my fear on water rides). I have this fear because it takes an act of congress to get me back in the tube. It's even worse when I'm standing in 3 feet of water with a current and other people crashing in to me. Mr. B AND the life guard stationed in the whirl pool had to assist me. I was so thankful when it was over. We decided to be done with that. We went and grabbed our snacks and ate. We reapplied our sunscreen before taking the tram to the other side of the water park. We instantly found the ride for us. It was called "The Falls." It is an endless, long float with periods of rapid and falls. It was leisure enough with some minor thrills along the way to make it fun. Bonus: I didn't flip out of my tube once! So for about 3-4 hours straight, we were sitting in inner tubes just floating. That's all well and good IF you remember to put sunscreen on your legs.....which I did not. I never do because they're always in water. Well my legs are white girl white, sun bouncing off and blinding you white, and totally unprotected.

So this is what the after math of unprotected white girl legs in 4 hours of straight sun looks like....
It would take a slur of expletives to adequately describe the pain I was in for the next 3 days or so. Thank goodness for Aloe with Lanacaine. 

That didn't keep me from enjoying some snuggles with Owen.

I LOVE  this picture!!!

This is the best I could do with a selfie with us and the nephews. Owen wasn't having it.

Friday was a chill day. We were going to float the river. However, we pretty much did that at Schilliterbaun the day before. There was also no way I was going to expose my purple/red legs to the sun again. Nope. No thank you! We hit up Main Event and watch Becks play arcade games before heading to Torchy's for lunch. Oh, how I love me some Torchy's! We met up with a bunch of people at another restaurant for dinner a little later. Mr. B and I enjoyed some really yummy Mac n' Cheese with grilled chicken and bacon. 

Saturday we were supposed to go kayaking on the lake with Christy and DeVon. Again, I wasn't feeling the sun exposure. I didn't feel too guilty about messing up the plans since the weather didn't really cooperate either. It was a cool, rainy day in Austin. We walked around the Hill Country Galleria. I didn't buy anything.....shocker! We were able to grab some nice pics.
DeVon was super bummed he didn't have his selfie stick.

Me and my handsome!

We went to The Oasis for lunch. DeVon was simply OBSESSED with the view. The food was good, too. I enjoyed a tasty BLT and fries. Clearly I abandoned any thoughts about nutrition while on vacation. I'm paying for it this week though.

Our view at lunch overlooking Lake Travis while the rain rolls in. I love the view of rain coming in over a body of water. So pretty.
My handsome lunch date!

We left Christy and DeVon to fend for themselves as we went back to the house. Apparently, they found ways to entertain themselves via a helicopter ride over the lake. They're officially cooler than us. All we did was come home and take a nap. We went out for pizza with a bunch of people Saturday night. I was still kind of full from lunch, but I wasn't going to pass up pizza since I'd been wanting it for a while. We ordered a small pepperoni and a small Hawaiian pizza to share, I had 3 small slices and well...... 
This oinker chowed down the rest. How does he do it!? It's one of life's mysteries.

I took the opportunity that night to put little man to sleep. I wanted some last minute snuggles before we headed home the next day.

We ended our trip by going to lunch with the family one last time to one of our favorite eating places in Austin: Phil's Ice House and Amy's Ice Cream. We have to hit these two places up every time we come to Austin. I love the burgers at Phil's! Amy's has unique ice cream flavors that you just can't find anywhere else. I also loved how every place we ate at while in town was unique to Austin. 

When we got back home, we did our grocery shopping and picked up our dogs. Then it was unpacking and off to bed we went. We had to get some sleep because a new camp started Monday, and 4:15 comes early!

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