Monday, October 12, 2015

Week 4 Healthy Living Check-In

So here we go with week 4! I started a new challenge group this week. I decided this time around I wanted to try the Vanilla Shakeology and the PiYo workouts. I've been mixing PiYo and Cize workouts this week. I just can't quit my Cize. I love it too much. PiYo is tough because I have no flexibility and I feel so awkward doing the movements....even the modified ones. I just have to keep at it though. I went through the fundamentals, upper body, and lower body workouts this week. I have yet to do the "Sweat" PiYo workout. I did find out this week that I definitely prefer the chocolate Shakeology to the vanilla. #nowiknow

I saw this on a friend's Instagram this week and LOVED it! This is totally how I feel when I finish a workout. Usually my problem is actually starting the workout. I usually have no drive to exercise. Since I've been doing Beach Body, I don't dread the workouts. Don't get me wrong, I totally have my days where I'm not feeling it. However, I find myself more motivated to hit "play" than in the past. 

I started off Monday determined to get in my workout. I did the PiYo fundamentals then a couple of my Cize routines that I have learned. I didn't go through the whole Cize workout, just the final dances to the music. I decided I would take a sweaty selfie to post in my challenge group. #sweatyandfabulous

I stayed on point with my eating pretty much all week. We decided to order out on Wednesday since we had church at 7 and didn't feel up to cooking. We ordered Jason's Deli. While Mr. B had the meatball sub with chips, I had the turkey wrap (minus the ranch dressing) with the fruit cup (minus the fruit dip....I had Greek yogurt instead). The only day where I wasn't 100% was Thursday. It was my first cheat meal in 4 weeks. I knew it was coming, so I was able to make a plan on how I was going to handle it. When I first started, I was presented with a potluck after one week in. I knew I couldn't allow myself a cheat meal this early in. However, I'd gone 3 1/2 weeks without deviating. I could allow myself a small indulgence, but in a controlled manner. It was Vanessa's (shout out) birthday lunch. She wanted enchiladas and my chocolate molten cake with cream cheese Nutella frosting. I ate a small section of enchiladas, salad, a small handful of chips, a spoonful of guacamole, and a sliver of cake (about 3 bites worth). Much to my surprise, it was filling and I was satisfied without wanting to go back for more....even though the food was delicious. I didn't even feel guilty, bloated, or fat afterwards. Now, I did make sure I got in a workout. It was small, but I still got it in. 

I started stalking my cousin's Pinterest boards for healthy recipes to try. I wanted to mix it up next week in the food department. I found this 3 Day cleanse with Shakeology on her board. I thought that it was totally doable for me. I decided to do it Friday, Saturday, Sunday. It might seem strange to do it over a weekend, but for me it's way easier. One, my days are shorter on the weekends since I don't have to get up as early. Two, Mr. B works nights so I don't have the temptation to go out to eat. By the end of Friday, I was surprised at how good I felt. I thought that I'd be ravenous throughout the day, but I actually wasn't. My salad for dinner was extremely filling. I opted to take my 3rd shake after dinner so I wouldn't go to bed hungry.

Saturday I knew I wanted to get my workout in before the Tech game. No college football until after I worked out. #motivation #rewards
I don't usually workout on Fridays since I do my grocery shopping right after work. I  must make day 5 (or 6) be on Saturday. I met my goal of 5 workouts this week. I decided I wanted to try a new Cize routine (I'm still afraid of PiYo Sweat) since I seem to have mad dance skills now. You're supposed to rate yourself one of three ways on the dances: back up dancer, front and center, or ready for your music video. On the second beginner routine, I totally thought I was ready for my music video. On the first intermediate routine, I at least thought I was front and center. Surely I can handle the second intermediate workout. kicked my butt. It was super fast and challenging. I'd be hard pressed to say that I was even a backup dancer on that first run through. I guess I have a new challenge this week. MASTER THE ROUTINE!!! Regardless, I still felt #sweatyandfabulous so I took another selfie to post to my challenge group.
These challenge groups are awesome for accountability and encouragement. So thankful for them. I got in a rare Sunday workout. It felt great. I'd also like to point out that I survived the 3 day cleanse without hurting anyone. It wasn't too bad, actually. The only sad part is that I finished my bag of chocolate Shakeology #sadday

Ok, switching gears for a moment.....A friend at work is a consultant for Younique makeup. I ordered some 3-D lash mascara for her and LOVED it. I received an offer for 50% off a collection after that purchase. You know I ordered! I just fell in love with this eye shadow pallet that I chose. I can't wait to try it out with the other goodies I received. I meant to take a pic of my total makeup haul, but I forgot. I already unpacked it and put it away so.....just the pallet pic instead.

On another note, I had my parent conferences this week. I was so pleased with how they went. All 19 parents signed up. I had 2 phone conferences, 14 face-to-face conferences, and 3 no-shows. Of those 3 no-shows one was absent, one called, and the other was a no show/no call. Those are great turn outs for our school. I really enjoyed talking with all the parents. There were a couple that I had conversations with past their child's performance in class. What made me the most happy was hearing the parents tell me how much their kids loved me and enjoyed being in my class. Sometimes I worry that I may be too tough on these first graders. However, at the end of the day when I get those hugs goodbye and then again in the morning, I know I must be doing something right. It made my heart happy hearing that my babies liked school and me:)

On the menu this week:
Breakfast: Overnight oats

Goals this week:
Workout 5 days this week
Master that Cize routine
Try the PiYo sweat workout
Drink more water
No Cheats this week (there shouldn't be a reason to)
Meal prep

Total weight loss to date: 15lbs (yay me!) 15 more pounds to go before reaching my first goal!!!

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