Sunday, May 22, 2016

Total Transformation Week 1 and Things Giving Me Life

This last week was recovery week, and we took full advantage of it. I slept in until 6:00 am on the week days. I haven't done that in weeks! I still went to bed around 9-9:30, so I got extra sleep. I had a goal in mind to workout in the afternoons doing something light. Yeah, Monday was the only day that fire got lit. It was because Mr. B suggested it. It was just a light track workout. We were lazy the rest of the week. It felt so good. Since it was recovery week, camp schedule looks a little different. TPT was having her camps only Tuesday/Wednesday morning. When I didn't show up Tuesday morning, I got a text at 6:30 that morning asking where I was. I informed her that she told me I could take the week off, so I did. She admitted telling me that, but she just didn't think I would actually do it. Think again, TPT, think again. I was exhausted and sore from this last camp. Now I feel rested and ready to take on this next camp starting tomorrow. This is the Total Transformation Camp! This camp has a nutrition challenge built in. I did my body composition test on Saturday and wanted to cry. I won't be posting those results on here at this moment. Maybe some day.....

Here is my meal and workout plan for week 1:

I've actually opted for pancakes the whole week since I can make those in advance and just heat them up each morning. I also opted out of the wraps for lunch. I'm just going to eat the chicken salad over romaine lettuce in case I need carbs in the evening due to an extra workout.

I don't have my evening workouts scheduled yet. I'm not sure if I'm going to get to do my one-on-ones this week or if I'm going to attempt to go to evening camps this week. I do know that I have 20% of body fat to lose before I am in the normal range for my age/gender/height. I get about 1600 calories a day if I'm not working out. If I'm working out once a day, I get about 1900 calories. If I'm working out twice a day, I have to eat about 2250 calories a day. The breakdown is 45% carbs, 30 % protein, and 25% fats. Those double workout days are going to be tough to get in all those calories. I usually can hit the 1900 mark pretty easily. It's easy to consume a ton of calories if you're eating unhealthy foods, but those nutritious foods don't have as high of a caloric intake. That's why it's called a challenge!

Speaking of challenge.....I wanted to attempt to beat my lap time at the track. I was going over 3 minutes per lap. My first lap on Monday was just under 3 minutes.

After I walked a lap to recover, I attempted another running lap to try to beat my time. I was determined to beat it. I beat my time by 18 seconds. It felt great!

Now I want to challenge myself to pick up the pace when running during this camp. This includes the warm up lap. I think I know why I run so slow on that initial lap. I think I'm trying to conserve my energy for the actual workout. I have to get out of that mindset and know that I will have time to recover before getting back into the workout.

My recipes for this week are coming from the Fixate Cook Book from Beach Body. It's based off the 21 Day Fix eating program. I will post recipes in my "What's Cooking" section of my blog.

Occasionally my friends and I like to text each other 3 things we're loving. I heard a phrase on a podcast I adore that said "things giving me life." I decided I liked that better than just the plain "3 things I'm loving." So, I have a few more than 3, but these are some things that are "giving me life" right now.

This book is what I'm currently reading. I'm hoping to interview (and receive) a job that uses the practices from this book. If that doesn't work out, I think I still want to incorporate these things in my classroom next school year.
I'll have it in my "book worm" section with  my thoughts when I'm finished.

I love my Younique makeup. All of it. But these lip Bon Bons!!!! It's a tinted lip balm that gives just enough color and moisture to your lips. It's my go-to daily wear. I only have 2 of the 5 shades, but I'm sure that will change soon enough.

Speaking of Younique products.....I'm a white girl all the way. I will brown beautifully in the sun. However, my legs refuse to take in sunlight. So I decided to give this new product a try. The first one I ordered, Sunset, was the lightest shade. It basically is foundation for your legs. It gave me the appearance of wearing nude panty hose. I decided to order the darkest color (Malibu) to see if I could get a bronze look. I used it for the first time this morning. The Malibu alone was just too dark, so I added a touch of the Sunset to it. It worked pretty good. I still think I'd like to try the medium color, Hermosa, to see if that is the perfect fit for me.

Here is the before/after shot of my legs (don't judge the hugeness of my calves....they're a work in progress). My goal is to hide all the purple road maps on my legs.

A couple of weeks ago, I tried out the 5 performance products Beach Body offers. I used them all on a Thursday. These 3 were my favorite, so I decided to order them. The other 2 were shakes. I have other shake options that I use, so I didn't feel the need to be redundant with my products.
The first is "Hydrate." This is an electrolyte replacement drink. I like to drink this during my PM sessions since I sweat more. The second one is "Energize." I drink this 30 minutes before my AM workout so I can get turnt during my workout and not fall asleep on the way to work after. Y'all, 4:15 is early!!!! The third product is "Creatine." This helps with muscle development. I drink this mixed in juice within 30 minutes of lifting weights. 

Next, Bitmojis! Shout out to Vanessa for introducing us to these delightful things. This just adds a level of snarkiness to our daily text conversations. This is a must-have app. 

TPT and I talking about our horrible food choices before Total Transformation starts....
Stupid auto's supposed to say "depriving" not "tidying." There's even a bitmoji for auto correct haters! #justnowcaughtthat

Finally, the Marriage is Funny podcast. This is put on by a married couple just sharing life in marriage. They tackle all the difficult topics in marriage in a tasteful and humorous way. They laugh and cry together on this podcast. They're just real. If you're not listening, you should!

Next week I'll be sharing my TT week 1 reflections and prepping for week 2. Bonus Post on Wednesday....."What's Up Wednesday: May 2016 edition" coming this week!

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