Wednesday, December 30, 2015

What's Up Wednesday: December 2015 Edition

I always look forward to these posts. I also feel sometimes I have nothing to post for some categories and I have to dig deep to find something. Let's see how December turns out!

What we're eating this week:
I'm doing a 3 Day Refresh with Shakeology this week to get rid of the holiday junk that was in my system. Once I'm done with that, I'll be cooking my 3 FREE Blue Apron meals that Tiff sent me! I'm going to try blue apron for a few weeks to see if I like it. On the menu:

  • Italian Meatball Soup
  • Salmon and Lemon Bucatini
  • Spiced Roast Chicken and Collard Greens

What I'm reminiscing about:
I got to meet my newest nephew over this holiday break. He's 8 weeks old now. It made me think about when I first met his big brother (also at 8 weeks old) when Mr. B and I started dating.
Me (circa 2009) with Beckham

Me (2015) with big boy Beckham

And here is baby brother Owen (2015)

What I'm loving:
I'm loving my 2 week vacation time! I've been spending time with family and relaxing! It finally got chilly outside. I'm enjoying my couch, the Hallmark Channel, and my books.

What we've been up to:
Christmas with family! We went to Lubbock to spend time with my family for Christmas. We had to cut the trip a bit short since they were expecting a blizzard (and it totally happened)! When we came back, we had a few days with Mr. B's family. Here are some pictures from our holiday adventures.
We baked some sugar cookies....I personalized a cookie for everyone is both families. They were so good!

Mr. B crashed hard on our road trip to LBK....

Jude the Dude rockin' Uncle C's hat

Of course I'm documenting any time I spend with Jude

Uncle C needs some Jude love

Me with my goofy sisters

Oh, Amanda!

3 generations: PaPa, Daddy, us girls (Liz wasn't cool enough to be in this pic)

Amanda and I with the grandparents

Mom wanted me to get a pic of her spread that she worked so hard on

Milk drunk Owen

Aunt and Uncle bliss loving on baby Owen

What I'm dreading:
The spring semester. I'm going to need there to be some snow days in February like last year. I dread this post holiday time of year EVERY year. It just seems to drag from January to June.

What I'm working on:
My journey to a healthier me. I've started using the Couch to 5K app to prepare for the annual Cowtown 5K at the end of February. I've done 2 days so far. Not too bad. I'm also implementing the 21 Day Fix workouts when I'm not running. I'll also be giving Camp Gladiator a try for 4 weeks since a friend sent me a 4 week free trial. I'm down 30 pounds since September. I've got a goal of about 40 more pounds to lose...possibly even 55 pounds. Of course, I'm working on those New Year's resolutions and how I want to better myself for 2016. Some things: prayer journal, daily Bible reading, a "to read" list, meal prep and plan, etc......

What I'm excited about:
I'm excited about digging into my Erin Condren planner for the year. I'm also excited about trying out Camp Gladiator. I hope I don't die. I'm even excited about going to the doctor next week. I'm not excited about getting my blood drawn since I tend to pass out. I'm excited for the doctor to be impressed by my weight loss (and she better be proud...b/c side eye if she isn't). I'm also super hopeful for positive blood test results. No more high cholesterol and such!

What I'm watching/reading:
Watching a lot of Hallmark Channel this time of year. Downton Abbey is about to start again....super excited for their final season. Hope I'm not disappointed. The Bachelor is starting up on Monday, too. I was in love with this bachelor on this past season of The Bachelorette. Cheesy television at its finest. I'm also watching The Royals on E! That's some good drama.

I've got a couple of books that I'm trying to finish before I go back to work next week. I've got to get busy. I've neglected my Nook and Kindle apps for so long. I've started reading books based on recommendations from bloggers I follow. I've read many an actual book lately.
I've read 2 titles from this author this year. I enjoyed the books. This is her newest book. I'm only 1 chapter in so far....

I'm excited about this book! This book was mentioned on a Podcast I listen to. 

What I'm listening to:
You know my obsession with The Popcast with Knox and Jamie. Their most recent bonus episode previewing The Bachelor was HILARIOUS! It's a must listen. I also listen to Serial (because I have to be like everyone else) and The Happy Hour with Jamie Ivey. Forget radio! I need some laughter in my life.

What I'm wearing:
I bought a new, smaller pair of pants. I need to lose about 10 more pounds for them to fit the way I'd like. Other than that, I'm in comfy clothes over my break. When I am wearing makeup, you can check me out with my Younique products. I'm in love with them!!!

What I'm doing this weekend:
Relaxing! I'm going to finish both of those books and watch A LOT of Hallmark Channel! There I said it. My plan is to be lazy before I have to go back to work on Monday. #dontjudge

What I'm looking forward to next month:
January is kind of boring to me. I'm looking forward to seeing my fitness progress and how well I'm doing with my goals. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't looking forward to some snow days.....

What are our New Year's Plans: 
We have a late lunch with Mr. B's parents on NYE before going to 2 parties. Mr. B got lucky to get New Year's Day off, so we can sleep in and be lazy together. My goal is to get all the errands done and meals prepped tomorrow so we can enjoy laziness together!

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