Monday, July 4, 2016

Weekly Recap-Wisdom Teeth Edition

I had a relatively boring week this past week. I did a lot of lying around and watching TV. I didn't even read. For the second time this year, "The Kitchen House" has been sitting on my table for 3 weeks going unread. It's deadline is looming, and now I've got until Wednesday to get that book read. Tuesday I got to spend some time with Vanessa at the pool. I was recovered enough from my sunburn, so I enjoyed soaking up some Vitamin D and the cool water. I suppose the company was good, too:)

I got to babysit McKenzie on Thursday. She was such a delight to watch and play with all day. I enjoyed the cuddles and getting to rock her to sleep. 

I was able to get in 4 workouts this week. We got to celebrate Megan's 100th check-in on Thursday. 

I finally got to debut my new tank! "Won't quit till I'm fit!"

I didn't get to workout on Friday since I had to have my wisdom teeth out Friday morning. I couldn't eat or drink anything for at least 8 hours before. I was at the dentist at 7:30 that morning and dreading every minute of it. I was supposed to get all 4 wisdom teeth pulled, but that didn't happen. Apparently, my top two wisdom teeth were fused together inside my gums to my molars. So only the bottom two teeth came out. This look after surgery pretty much sums out my thoughts on the matter:
Oh, I'm so beautiful!

They told me that the anesthesia would wear off in about 8 hours then I would have my pain pills. LIES! ALL LIES! I made Mr. B rush to the pharmacy to get my meds. The pain was fierce when that anesthesia wore off.

I'm about 4 days out and recovering well. I've got some slight chipmunk cheek going on, but nothing too bad. I've been able to eat more than I thought I would. Anything that is semi-soft and can be swallowed easily I can eat. I've been surviving on pancakes and eggs in the morning. Lunch and dinner can be soup, baked potato, yogurt, mac n' cheese, and cheese quesadillas. I did kill a pint of Blue Bell vanilla ice cream on Friday after surgery and did not feel guilty about it. 

The major downer of all this was me being told that I couldn't work out for 2 weeks. 2 weeks! Are you crazy!? This girl is pushing to 100 check-ins. 2 teeth being pulled will not hold me down. I've decided to heed the doctor's advice to some degree....I'll take off almost a week. My plan is to go back this Thursday and do a light workout. If I'm feeling good, I don't see why I can't do something. I'm going to try to do some walking and light weights until I go back on Thursday. CG games are coming. I don't have time to sit at home and not workout. 

I had a low key week. We finished it up with a party Sunday night with church friends. I was able to eat almost all the food served. Clearly we know what I'm most worried about: Can I eat? When can I workout? #priorities

This is another low key week. I'm going to try to be productive this week. (I may have already cleaned our gross bathroom before typing this....and have started the laundry). 

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