Sunday, July 31, 2016

What's Up Wednesday (On a Sunday): July 2016

I was so busy this week that I completely forgot that it was the last Wednesday of the month. So since I don't have anything truly "blog worthy" for this week, this post will serve as my weekly post even though it's a few days late!

What we're eating this week:
Since it's so hot outside, I'm trying to find things that can be grilled outside or cooked in the crock pot. I've got pork chops for the grill and chicken for the crock pot. I'm going to make sour cream chicken....Mr. B loves that recipe. My parents sent us home with a ton of veggies from their garden, so we'll be cooking those this week, too. I have 2 new recipes up on my recipe page: strawberry cheesecake fruit salad and apple pie!

What I'm reminiscing about:
Mr. B and I just celebrated our 6th anniversary on the 17th of this month. I can't believe it's already been 6 years of amazing with this man. We've had some trying times in those six years, but we've had more wonderful times. I feel so blessed and lucky to be able to do life with this amazing man!
July 17, 2010

July 17, 2016

What I'm loving:
I've got some go-to products for my face during the summer. I keep makeup extremely minimal during these summer months. Sometimes I forgo it all together. However, when I do want a little something I use my Younique BB Cream and body bronzer to give my face a smooth, even tone. Younique tinted lip bon bons are the perfect thing for my lips. They give them moisture and just a hint of color. The perfect natural summer look.

What we've been up to:
We just got back from vacation last week. I dedicated a whole post to our Del Rio Vacation!

What I'm dreading:
OK, so party of me is "dreading" this only because I will no longer have the ability to sleep whenever I want. That's my disclaimer....going back to school. I'm excited about my new opportunities this school year, but I'm not looking forward to long days and short nights. You know, living for the weekend every week. I'm going to miss my naps.

What I'm working on:
My classroom. I officially started working on it this past Friday. That will be my project this whole week. I have this thing every school year where I must have my room completed before I officially have to return to work. For me, that's a whole week earlier than usual this year since I'm a new teacher to the district. My official start date is the 8th. That's next week! This week is going to be a long week with 12+ hour days getting my room perfect for my incoming third graders.

What I'm excited about:
OK, this may seem like a contradiction, but....going back to school! I'm excited about teaching third grade. I've been wanting third grade since I student taught in that grade back in 2009. I've interviewed for that grade level about 3 times since then, but have had no luck until this year. I hope I enjoy it as much as I have always thought I would. I'm excited we will have ample technology in our classrooms so that I can use all the stuff I've learned so far. I'm just excited about all the possibilities there are working with older children. Who knows? This could lead me to wanted to teach even older children like so many people have told me I should do......
I'm excited for my new school. It's quite a bit different than I'm used to, but I'm ready for the challenge. This will be my 8th year in the profession, so it's time to get out of my comfort zone and push myself to new places.

What I'm watching/reading:
I'm not watching anything different than I have been this summer. I'm excited about the Olympics coming up this weekend. I enjoy swimming and gymnastics. I can be persuaded to watch some beach volleyball, too. I have been reading quite a bit lately. I picked back up on my "Shade of Vampire" series. If you get too far behind, you'll struggle to catch up. She puts out a new book like every month it seems. Then she has a couple of spin-off trilogies from the series, too. Good thing they are quick reads. I read 2 yesterday alone.

What I'm listening to:
Nothing new or notable......

What I'm wearing:
Still wearing workout clothes or maxi least for the next week. Then it's back to business casual. Bring on the Palazzo pants!

What I'm doing this weekend:
I'll be working in my room and watching the Olympics. Super exciting stuff for my last weekend of break, right!?

What I'm looking forward to next month:
Just starting school and seeing my new students. It's going to be a shock working with bigger kids. I think a part of me is going to miss my little first graders.
I'm also looking forward to going back to CG. We've taken a couple of weeks off. Tomorrow is going to be brutal. I had to take it easy the previous 2 weeks before that due to my oral surgery. Then I went and took a full blown 2 weeks off! I'm going to pay for that this week.

What else is new:
You've probably already heard about it.....

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