Tuesday, March 1, 2016

My Weekend Adventures and some of My Favorite Things

I had a busy, but fun, weekend. Friday night, Mr. B and I went to BJ's Brewery for delicious burgers before heading out to do our grocery shopping. I had been doing my shopping on Saturday mornings recently, but I knew this particular Saturday would be busy. Mr. B really has a disdain for running errands. I usually have to bribe him with dinner beforehand. After shopping, we came home and started our binge on Fuller House. #love

Saturday morning I woke up at 6:30 (way too early for a Saturday). Technically, I did get to "sleep in" since I usually wake up either at 4:30 or 5:30 during the week. I had just enough time to drink my shake and grab a couple of Quest bars before heading to pick up Mr. B's dad so we could do our 5K. It was a beautiful morning for a 5K. 

We snagged a selfie before our race started.

Tiff came over to corral 3 illegally so she could start with us. And by illegal, I mean she swapped spots from someone in our corral who wanted to be with her group who was in the corral next door. It was an even trade, so everyone needs to just calm down. She decided to run her 5K while dad and I mall walked it.

I finished in under an hour. I sprinted that last 100 yards like a boss. I needed a picture with my baby finisher medal. My goal was to run some of the race, finish the race, and not die in the process. When I told this to one of my CG trainers, he said to me: "Do you know what the difference is in the first place medal and the last place medal? Absolutely nothing!"

This was my 3rd time to do the Cowtown. I would really like to make this a regular thing for me. My goal is to add in some other 5Ks this spring with some friends. It's always more fun with friends. 

Here's a little throwback to our first Cowtown circa 2010. Mr. B and I weren't even married yet. We both did the race with his dad and sister-in-law. However, we were super ambitious and did the 10K our first go around. It was a lovely, but cold, 6 mile walk. I finished though.

After I ate all the after race snacks that were offered, I hit up Starbucks for an iced coffee and my favorite breakfast sandwich....smoked bacon gouda egg! I have to have one at least once a week. I made it home just in time to shower and get ready to head to my friend's bridal shower (which I was helping host). Being that I was super busy, I totally forgot the gift and had to buy it after the shower and just give it to her at church the next day. I had so much fun helping host her shower. I was elected to be the BINGO MC. I may have enjoyed doing that more that I should have. Anytime I can crack jokes and entertain.....
It was a bittersweet moment. I'm happy for her and her new venture in marriage. I'm sad because she's moving off to Florida and leaving all by my lonesome on Sunday mornings in our pew. I may need to relocate....

I came home (briefly) before heading to Target to buy her gift. I decided to meander a bit. I could spend all day in Target. I came home and paid the bills. I got excited when I checked my bank account and saw my paycheck AND the tax refund had come in. #feelinrich
We were invited to have dinner with some friends of Mr. B's. OK, so they're kind of my friends, too. When you're cool, you're cool. They wanted to have dinner at Boo Ray's in Saginaw. A couple of them had been there before, but we hadn't. I felt like we had to drive through the middle of no where to get there, but the food was great. We shared the seafood platter with a few others and added a side of crab cakes. The seafood platter had (all fried) catfish, alligator, crawfish, shrimp, oysters, hush puppies, and fries. Oh yeah, there is a tiny little bowl of green beans in the center (which no one ate).

all that food for $26.99!!!! And that tarter sauce (insert lip smacking emoji here)

We were invited back to their house for more fun, but we had to decline since we were exhausted (and we wanted to continue our Fuller House binge). Sunday, we both had the day off. I needed it! We went to church then had lunch at Pollo Tropical. We came home and finished Fuller House and did laundry before going to singing practice and evening worship.

I just have to share a few of my favorite things right now:

This juice we bought at Trader Joes. It's organic and only $3.99. It's very sweet, so I mix it with a can of natural flavored La Croix sparkling water. So good.

This is my new favorite Shakeology recipe. I finally got to try the new Cafe Latte flavor shake. I can't stop drinking this delicousness. 

Some other favorites:
  • Quest Bars. I can't get enough of these protein packed bars. It feels like I'm eating a candy bar, but I'm not. They're even better when warmed. My favorites now: cookies and cream and vanilla almond.
  • I already mentioned my Bacon Gouda Egg sandwich at Starbucks.....
  • CG workouts....my trainer, Robin! She's so much fun and knowledgeable. I'm getting ready to start some one-on-one sessions to get myself where I need to be health wise. I need that extra kick in the butt, and I'm hoping she can help me!
  • Fuller House: We watched all 13 episodes this weekend. The first episode was a little cheesy for my taste the way they tried to throw all the nostalgia in, but overall I enjoyed the series. The kids are hilarious. I also loved the way they kept throwing shade at the Olsen twins throughout the series. #bringbackmichelle
  • OK, I'm just going to say it....my hair. I'm loving how easy it is. With my long hair, I had the lazy side braid or ponytail. This short style is even easier. Wash, towel dry, mousse, scrunch. DONE! It's even next day ready with a little fluff and maybe some styling spray.

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