Sunday, March 27, 2016

Post Spring Break Reflections

Spring break is over. As I'm typing this, my final day off until the end of the year is pretty much over. I realize I have 9 weeks left in the school year. There's no way I'm going 9 weeks without another 3 day weekend. I'll take a personal day. #becauseican

All complaining aside, my first week back wasn't so bad. I finished my application for Northwest ISD and have spoken with my contacts there. My Keller ISD application is still active, and I'm still pursuing my growing list of contacts with that district. I'm still praying something will come of these opportunities this year. If not, I'm hoping for a change at my current school next year. I've requested second grade, so we shall see....

We had 2 great sermons at church Sunday! The morning service was titled "Ready to Grow," and the evening was titled "Getting More out of Your Bible Study." I felt that those sermons were made just for me. OK, so maybe that's selfish of me. I'm sure many benefited from those sermons. I've been trying to get in daily Bible reading time and make it a priority. I just felt this was a way for me to hear how to do it and what I need to do to make it happen. It all starts with growth. I have to be ready to grow. This coincides with my current mindset of getting healthy physically. I love how both of these things are coming together at the same time. Steven tied so many physical analogies to the spiritual aspect of growing. I've got to start making the time. Scheduling it in. I was good at doing it first thing in the morning there for a while, but as soon as I started AM workouts, that stopped. Now I try to get it in during "Read to Self" time in my class. When my kids read, so do I. I've got to give myself the room to grow. Challenge myself. Set goals. Here are some things I listed as what I can do to help myself achieve these things:
  • daily Bible reading
  • daily prayer
  • devotionals (journaling about what I'm stuying)
  • attending more classes
I need the right attitude, an open heart, and self-confidence in myself to understand what I'm studying. I think that's the biggest problem I face: do I really understand all this? I recently started crashing Mr. B's Bible study classes with Steven. I ask a lot of questions and have comments on a few things. OK, so sometimes I have comments on A LOT of things. I'm looking forward to these weekly sessions as a way to learn more and get things answered. I don't ask a lot of questions in group settings, but get me one-on-one and I don't hold back.

My journey to a physically healthier me is progressing very well. A lot of the same principles apply. I've got to have the right mindset. I need to make time to workout. I have to be disciplined in my workouts and with my eating. I need the right tools. I need the self-confidence that I can do this. I WILL do this! I'm half way through my sessions with my trainer (who shall henceforth be known as "Tiny Person of Torture"), and I'm already doing things that I thought were difficult. Friday, I did 20 weighted burpees. They weren't modified either! I also did 10 big girl push-ups. No knees. I'm still holding a plank for 30 seconds....I will get to a minute eventually. I feel one day "Tiny Person of Torture" will say these words to me mid plank:
 I just feel stronger. Like I can conquer any exercise she throws at me. I'm trying to get the "I can't" mindset out of my head. "TPT" does not let me say those words. I must rephrase to "I'm not there yet." Now that she works with me one-on-one, she knows what I'm capable of. So no more cheating holding back at camp. She will call me out. She did call me out on Monday even though it was only a 2 second drop to me knees before getting back up. Whatever. I digress.....

We talked meal plans. The last 2 weeks of camp are upon us, and they are the most intense weeks. To maximize my fat loss, I'm going to be cutting calories, dairy, and cheat meals for 2 whole weeks. Yay! (where's that eye roll emoji when I need it?) Here's my meal plan for this week:

I gave her fair warning that I was going to live it up this weekend. My weekend of gluttony started with my Starbucks usual (bacon gouda egg cheese sandwich with my sugar free hazelnut blonde roast). I was so angry with myself when I realized I ordered the wrong stinking sandwich! You know I ate it anyway. Guess I'll have to get another one on Saturday.

Then I'm off for my weekly "me time" to the grocery store. I'm in snobby shopper mode with my earbuds in listening to the "Marriage is Funny" podcast. I'm really loving that one! I went in all my post workout glory.

While at Kroger, I had chicken strips and onion rings for lunch (the gluttony continues) with Mr. B on his break. For dinner we had gyros at our Greek restaurant next to our painting studio since we were going painting. Or we would have had gyros if we didn't arrive to find out they had closed down. We were so sad. Even more sad since we had to settle on Subway for dinner since it was the closest restaurant to the studio. There's nothing too terrible to engage in gluttony at Subway. Oh well, at least we looked adorable!

Mr. B chose this month's painting....Batman vs. Superman. He always lets me pick, so I guess I owed him one. It turned out pretty good!

Saturday I started my morning off with another session with "TPT." She KILLED me this morning. We met at the track....sprints happened. To be fair, I did ask for them. I even did some resistance sprinting. I also held my plank for 45 seconds-OK, so it was 43 seconds. But when I totally would've made it those extra 2 seconds had "TPT" told me how much time I had left when I asked. I need something to push for. She also told me today that come camp time, she was going to be super hard on me. Bring. It. On. I work harder when pushed. Tell me I can't, and I'll prove you wrong. I will say, I do appreciate that she feeds my addiction to 90's pop music. She has a playlist where I can hear all the Britney, Backstreet Boys, and N*Sync (you get the picture) that I want! When Britney comes on, I may or may not bust out in song and dance between reps....
 After workout I went back to Starbucks to get the RIGHT sandwich. Hey, protein is protein. I had a leisure afternoon of reading and writing before heading to Mr. B's parents for early Easter dinner: smoked chicken, cheesy potatoes, salad, sourdough bread, strawberries and chocolate cake.

Sunday was another leisure day. Church, laundry, prepping for the week, and reading. I've committed to a week of AM camps this next week. I have sessions scheduled with "TPT" for Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday. If I feel extra motivated (and not exhausted), I may try to hit a PM camp or two this week, too. Hey, if it doesn't challenge you it doesn't change you! Change is going to happen these next two weeks. Stay tuned.......

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