Saturday, January 16, 2016

Investments in My Future

This week was a good one for me, personally. Professionally, it was crazy and a bit stressful. I survived though. A couple of good things happened for me this week that could impact my future in good ways. I succeeded in completing another 6 day workout week. I did 4 Camp Gladiator sessions and 2 yoga sessions. I set a goal to wake up at 5:30 every morning before work so I could get in 30 minutes of quiet time. My quiet time consists of writing in my journal (shout out to my sister, Amanda, for getting me a Tinker Bell journal for my birthday) about whatever I want to. I usually like to reflect on the previous day. I make a list of prayer requests and spend some time in prayer. I like to find a scripture to accompany my journal entry. I've really enjoyed having that time every morning. 

This week at Camp Gladiator was function week AND bring a buddy week. Look who I made be my buddy this week....

He keeps saying he wants to get back into working out. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I come home every day and ask, "did you work out today?" His answer is usually "no." Since he is my best buddy and I love him so much, I told him to come with me this week. OK, I dared him to come with me. He was hesitant at first. He even said he didn't really want to. I turned on my wifely charm and begged him to try at least once. Guess what? That goofball LOVED it!!! He went all 4 days with me. Even the 5:15 early morning one on Friday! He fell in love with CG just like me. So, Friday we made the commitment to "GO BOLD!" We went all in with the 12 month commitment. We want to be healthy for ourselves and our future children. We both have health problems running on each side of the family. I don't want any of that down the road. Not interested. Since we jumped all in, one of our awesome trainers is giving us each a set of weights! Now Mr. B can quit bumming off other people at camp. 

We went to a new location (the location I chose as my home location). We absolutely loved the trainer at that location. His energy is insane. He is also very funny. Like I said, I need humor with my sweat. I was challenged to up my camp sessions by at least one this week. I went 3 times last week, so I did 4 this week. Next week, and weeks after, I'm shooting for 5 days! I realized that after Thursday's workout that I needed more than just 3 days a week doing this. Wednesday and Friday nights just aren't in my schedule, so I have to go in the morning. I went to an early morning session last week, but I didn't have to be in to work until a little later. Friday I needed to be at work at 7:50 and camp ended at 6:15. The night before I packed my lunch and breakfast and all I needed to get ready at work the next day. I went straight to work from camp and got ready and had breakfast at work. I was on time! I think I can commit to 2 days a week doing that. It felt so good to be done for the day.

Here's my plan for the week:
Monday-6:00 PM CG
Tuesday-6:15 PM CG
Wednesday-5:15 AM CG
Thursday-6:15 PM CG
Friday-5:15 AM CG

Still working on making me eating better. I think I've got to stop the Blue Apron. Their meals just aren't that healthy for me. Too many carbs.....

A bright spot in Friday morning's camp came at the end. I was getting some hot tea before heading to work when I asked the question "which tea will get me through a day with 21 kids?" One of the campers next to me asked which district I taught in. When I told her Arlington, she mentioned that she was the assistant principal at an elementary just up the street (it's actually the location I work out on T/TH nights). My immediate response: (hand outstretched) "Hi! My name is Ashley Browning, and I've been trying to get into Keller ISD for 4 years now." It was said in my off beat goofy manner, but I totally meant it. We got to talking and it was very positive. I've been waiting and praying to meet an elementary administrator. I've been praying a lot lately on a location change. I told Mr. B that it would be so awesome that if the path to a healthier me led to other blessings I've been praying for! God is so good!!!

I'm ready for this next week (and thankful for this 3 day weekend). I've got a goal to hit 5 camps this week! Time to shop for some workout clothes for Mr. B and I. 


  1. This is so amazing! !!!! Praying for you girl!

  2. This is so amazing! !!!! Praying for you girl!
