Saturday, January 9, 2016

2016 Kickoff

I feel I've had a great start to 2016. I've successfully completed 2 weeks in a row working out 6 times each week. I haven't done that since my early 20's when I had a personal trainer and was trying to get fit so I could find me a husband. #realtalk

I decided to take advantage of a free 4 week trial of Camp Gladiator. My friend, Pam, offered this to me. I figured I could give it a go for just 4 weeks. AND it was free. I really had nothing to lose except  some of my fat cells. Pam absolutely raves about this camp and has been doing it since June. I also gave my 21 Day Fix DVD a try for the first time. I've had it for a while and have been doing other exercise programs. I made the goal of going to camp 3 days a week and doing 21 Day Fix 3 days a week. I get to do nothing on Sunday. I had intentions of incorporating running with my C25K app, but let's be real.....I'm not a runner and never have been. I don't enjoy it. I like to do 5K runs every so often, but running around my block for 30 minutes or so just doesn't do it for me.

Monday night I went to my first camp. It was at 6:00 PM that night. I got home at 4:00. Those 2 hours were the worst. I was super nervous about going. I spent that whole 2 hours going back and forth about whether or not to go. If Pam hadn't of agreed to come all the way out to my location to go with me, I don't know if I would've gone. I was so glad I did go. It was a great workout and totally doable for me. 

Tuesday I didn't have to go in to work until later in the morning. I thought it would be a great idea to go to the 5 AM camp since it was the same trainer from the night before. 2 boot camp sessions less than 12 hours apart? Sure, why not! Ha! The wind chill was 30 degrees. It was either keep moving or freeze to death. My chunky butt kept moving. It was team workout day that morning, and we were divided into teams. We had a "bucket list" of workouts with a TON or reps that needed to be divided among the team. I felt bad for my group since I was clearly the new (and slowest) kid on the block. They were super encouraging and helpful though. And I didn't die. I did have to wake up at 4:15 though. I needed my Shake for that. I love me some Shakeology! I had the energy I needed to wake up that early and workout.

all smiles at 4:15 AM

Wednesday was my first day back to work with kids. I woke up at 5:15 and grabbed a 30 minute Pilates workout on my 21DF DVD. It felt good to have it out of the way knowing I didn't have to do anything when I got home from work.

Thursday, I went to Justin to attend camp with Pam at 6:30. I really enjoyed this camp. Tuesday's was by far the hardest of the week. I liked having someone I knew working out with me. It just made it more enjoyable. Too bad we don't live a little closer so we can go together all the time. We did grab a quick selfie in the parking lot after our workout!

Friday I woke up at 5:15 and got in some yoga from my 21DF DVD. I LOVED that yoga fix. I have Beach Body's PiYo DVD workout which combines Pilates and Yoga, but I think I'm a fan of each exercise individually. Pilates was fine and doable on its own, and so was yoga. Together they are a huge challenge for my current fitness level. Starting my day with yoga just made me so relaxed. Being able to have some quiet time writing in my  journal afterwards really topped it off. 

Saturday, I got up and had my blood drawn for my annual lab work. I didn't pass out this time because I took preventative measures. I drank a big glass of water before I went (advice from my mom) and informed the lady that I was prone to passing out and I needed to lie down and have the butterfly needle used because my veins were difficult. I was in and out like a champ! I ran some errands then came home and did the Dirty 30 workout on the 21DF DVD. I loved that workout, too!

There were my 6 days of awesomeness. I'm considering signing up for CG because I love it so much. I feel that as soon as I make that commitment, Murphy's Law will kick in and baby Browning will pop up.....Eh! I still may take the plunge anyway. Apparently there are girls in their 3rd trimester kicking tail at CG. I really do love the atmosphere and the support. I never feel that I'm not good enough. I really had a blast at the Justin location Thursday night. Some of those campers were hilarious. I need humor with my sweat. One day I may be cool enough (like Pam) to have all the CG gear and clothing.....#goals

I'm also loving the 21 Day Fix DVD. This is funny because when Mikah approached me about Beach Body and Shakeology this summer, I was totally against it because of that workout DVD. I said I wouldn't like it. I've had it a while because I bought it before I became a coach in a challenge pack when it was on sale. Last week was my first time to try it. I really enjoy it. 30 minutes fly by and I feel worked out. 

As far as my eating goes, I could be better and more on point. We've been doing Blue Apron for a a couple of weeks. The food is great, but their carb options are not whole grain/wheat. I try to avoid things with white flour. I'm not over doing it or anything, but it's not as good as I'd like to be. I told Mr. B that we needed to be more selective when choosing which weeks to order it. 

I had my annual check up this week, too! The doctor was impressed with my weight loss. She said things look good and we should have no problem getting pregnant once we start trying. I hope my lab results come back equally as positive.

On another note, I saw this on Facebook and thought I might want to give it a try. We're getting to that point in the year when frustrations run high. State testing is just around the corner. We're starting to prepare for those pass/fail conversations with parents. Expectations seem to be mounting and time seems to be decreasing. I think I'd like to visit this when I get really stressed. I feel I may need to find other options for the organizing days since I'm usually pretty organized in general #squareprobz #typeA

I've been experimenting with my hair this week. I thought I'd like to see what my waves looked like with the short cut. It was easier to style and lent itself to be very low maintenance. I could get up and fluff and be good to go on the hair front. I think it received a positive response from people. Definitely a repeat hair style for me. VW (shout out) will hate me for saying how I got this look.....

wash, mousse, blow dry (a brush never touched my head with this look) I like it best when adding a headband. I have a ton of headbands. They never looked right with my long hair, but they add a pop with the short cut.

(Please excuse my dark under eye circles....See, VW, I do need makeup)


  1. What a great post. So glad you are sticking to your goals! Way to go girl!!!

  2. What a great post. So glad you are sticking to your goals! Way to go girl!!!
