Sunday, April 10, 2016

4 Weeks of Progress

This week concluded my 3rd camp with Camp Gladiator. I also concluded my first round of sessions with TPT (minus one coming up this Friday). I've seen a lot of change in these 4 weeks. I'm lifting heavier weights. I'm doing more of the exercises at camp without modifications, and I'm crushing goals that I've set for myself. I've been pretty strict with my eating these past two weeks since they are the most intense weeks of camp. As of this morning, I'm down 4 pounds. I will do my final workout and final measurements this Friday during my last session with TPT this round. I will also weigh in again Friday morning. Since this is recovery week, I'm scaling back on carbs and calories to see if I can drop a few more pounds before Friday. I won't be lifting weights this week, so I don't need all those carbs I've been consuming. I saw this little motivational quote, and it made me think of TPT....

Except, she would add: "Go until you can't go anymore, then do 2 more!"

I really do try to keep that in mind when I set goals for myself. If I say I think I can plank for 45 seconds after my workout, then I try to plank for 50 seconds....or even a minute. I think I'm up to 1:10 after a workout. Well, assuming I haven't just burnt out my abs and/or upper body. 

Nothing exciting really happened this week. I stayed busy all week with work and exercise. I made it to camp all 5 mornings this week. I did a T/TH session @5:30pm with TPT. Wednesday morning was our burpee fit test. The first camp I did 50 modified burpees in 5 minutes. Last camp I had a rough morning; therefore, my workout suffered. I only got 42 modified burpees in 5 minutes. I had been practicing and getting myself pumped up for this camp because I knew I had made some changes. I told myself I was going to do 50 regular burpees in 5 minutes. No modified version at all. Well, I did 54 in 5 minutes! I was so excited that I beat my goal. I'm already getting ready for the next fit test in 5 weeks.....goal is 60 in 5 minutes. 

Saturday was a great lazy day for us. We got our errands out of the way on Friday after we grabbed dinner at Costa Vida. While Mr. B was stuffing his face with a smothered stuffed burrito, I was dreaming of my naughty nachos while eating a chicken salad. I mean, it was good, but it wasn't naughty nachos. All in the name of change I guess. We slept a blissful 11 hours and finally got out of bed around 9:30 Saturday morning. It was a rare Saturday off for Mr. B, so we took full advantage of it. We went and had a late breakfast at "Our Cafe" up the street. I stayed true to my healthy eating. Well, as healthy as I could get considering. I had an egg (no cheese), 1 pancake (no butter or syrup) and gave my second pancake to Mr. B, 3 slices of bacon, and some hash browns. I had some black tea since I couldn't have the creamer for coffee. We went and did a couple of minor errands before heading to the track for a quick workout. We did 2 miles. The first mile we walked. The second mile we ran the straight parts and walked the curved parts. The rest of the day was spent on the couch watching TV and reading. Mr. B grilled beef and vegetable kabobs for the rain!

So, since I'm cutting carbs this week, that means no more Quest bars for a few days. You would have thought my life was ending when TPT told me to give them up for a few days. I told her it was the one thing I looked forward to when school was out and I was driving home. She didn't care. No weights= no extra carbs. That also means that I have to give up my cafe latte Shakeology for a few days since it has a lot of carbs (or more carbs than I should be drinking). Good thing I love my night time protein ISO 100 gourmet chocolate drink. I can double up on that each day. I figured I might as well try out this popcorn that's been in my pantry for a couple of weeks. I got this at Trader Joes and I LOVE it! I think I'm a fan of sriracha!

In other news, this is what I'm currently reading. I heard about it from Jamie Golden from "The Popcast." She was doing a guest spot on the "Surviving Sara" podcast. Since I'm usually #teamjamie, I had to give it a listen. She mentioned this book, and it sounded so interesting. I had forgotten the name, so I had to instalurk on her past instagram pics to ask her what it was called. I'm so glad she's a fan of social media. She responded within the hour. I immediately requested it from the library. I decided that I was too impatient to wait on the library, so I went and picked it up on my way home from work. It's Sunday night and I'm half way through and LOVING it!
Stay tuned for my small review on my "Bookworms Only" page for my thoughts.

We're down to 7 more weeks of school. I'm on the countdown. I've got so much to do. This week I'm testing for end of the six weeks. I'm taking advantage of recovery week but still working out. Here's my workout schedule for this week:

Monday 5:30am: Cize with Shaun T
Tuesday 5:30am: yoga
Wednesday 5:30am: pilates
Thursday 5:30am: yoga
Friday 5:00am: CG BOLD workout at our new location then a PM session with TPT
Saturday: track/yoga

I'd give a menu update, but I think I'm keeping it the same as last week so I stay on track.

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