Sunday, February 14, 2016

Valentine's Day 2016

I still intend on doing my weekly post. However, I thought since it was Valentine's Day I would do a bonus post. I actually did a few cute things for Mr. B this week. I started last Sunday and continued all the way until this Sunday. I bought these cute gift tags from Target and wrote little sayings on the back that went with whatever treat I was giving him for the day. Since my first 2 treats and sayings were specific to us, I'll keep those private. I will share days 3-8.

  • Just thought you should know that I've been "chex-n" you out! (bag of Chex mix)
  • I really "donut" know what I'd do without you (donut holes-his favorite)
  • It's quite obvious we were "mint" for each other (junior mints)
  • My heart does "flipz" for you (chocolate covered flipz pretzels)
  • I was "one smart cookie" when I chose you (cookie)
  • In case you haven't noticed, I'm "nacho" average valentine (bag of nacho cheese doritos)
He received the chips on Sunday morning, but I wanted to leave him with something when he got home from work. I wrote him a little poem....

A week of treats has come and went.
I hope you've enjoyed all I've sent.
All I ever wanted you to know
Is that my love for you will always grow.
I'm so happy you chose me to be your wife.
I'm glad that together we get to do this thing called "life."
I know the absence of my daily treats will be hard. 
But perhaps you'll be satisfied with this card.
I'm sure you know by now I'm the coolest girl you'll ever meet.
Now enjoy my final witty line and Valentine treat!

(my final witty line: "I-tune" into our marriage every day because I love your face!- iTunes gift card)

I woke up to a surprise of my own. I received a charm and some earrings with some chocolate. Ahhh...he gets me! I failed to mention that earlier last week he surprised me with Lilly flowers and a card with a handwritten note for "just because." He even said the flowers were on sale! That's my kind of guy!!!!!

My cousin, Kilah, posted these questions on Facebook that she answered about her and her husband. I thought it was cute and would make for a great Valentine's Day post. So here goes....

  1. Where did you meet your other half? We met at Market Street in Colleyville where we both worked. He was in the Deli and I was a cashier. He sliced some meat for me one day and flashed his mega watt smile and I was smitten.
  2. How long have you been with your significant other? almost 7 years together and 6 years married
  3. When did you say "I do?" July 17, 2010
  4. What song did you walk down the aisle to? Brad Paisley's "She's Everything"
  5. Do you have any children yet? we have 2 furry children that we love and are currently working on human children;)
  6. What's your favorite thing about your other half? It's so hard to choose just one thing. I love the way he makes me feel special. He tells me I'm beautiful and that he loves me every day and means it. His laugh is infectious. He's the best hugger around!
  7. Were you and your other half high school sweethearts? NO! Sad to say, if we had gone to high school together I wouldn't have looked at him. We grew up in different parts of the state.
  8. Where was your first date? Buffalo Wild Wings...kinda. This is where we first hung out together. It was with my sister and friend. I remember thinking it was so cute how he went home from work and dressed up just to meet up with us. Our first official date as a couple was just a few days later at Olive Garden. I remember being so impressed because the only places my last boyfriend took me was to The Waffle House and the $1 movies. LOL
  9. How long were you dating before you said "I love you?" about a month and a half I think
  10. How long were you dating your other half before he proposed? We starting dating in May of 2009 and he proposed the Saturday after Thanksgiving that same year.
  11. Where is your favorite place you have traveled with our other half? We loved the Dominican Republic and Mexico. We can't wait for more adventures together.
  12. How do you and your other half usually spend Valentine's Day? We are low key people. I don't like to go out on the actual day because it's so busy. I'd rather stay at home. I requested his hand made chicken strips from work and Mac n' Cheese for dinner tonight. I'm a simple gal.
  13. What does your favorite date night consist of? We love to eat Greek food and go painting together. 
  14. What is the best gift you've received from your other half? The first gift he ever gave me was a Tinker Bell charm for my charm bracelet when we first started dating. He knew I was obsessed with Tinker Bell at the time (still love her), and he just bought it because he knew I liked her. Since then, my favorite gift would have to be my 30th birthday present. He hand painted a painting for me of his own creation. I was so impressed and it was so thoughtful! His thoughtfulness is what makes him so wonderful!!!!

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