Wednesday, February 24, 2016

What's Up Wednesday: February 2016

What we're eating this week:
I've been so boring with my meals lately. OK, so I've been lazy with them. I've been stuck on repeat with the same quick (but healthy) meals. This week I changed it up a bit by having salmon instead of tilapia and asparagus instead of brussel sprouts. I did have a tasty cabbage and sausage dish when I was at my mom's this past weekend. I pinned it with good intentions to make it this week, but.....

What I'm reminiscing about:
excuse crazy Tiff in this pic;)
3 years ago I went to NOLA for the first time. It was for a Math conference, but it was a trip that I loved. We ate our way through that city. We would each order something different then put all the food in the middle and share everything. I want to go back this summer and take Mr. B with me so we can eat our way through NOLA and do some sight seeing.

When I came home from NOLA, I found out I was pregnant. While this pregnancy only lasted 10 weeks, it was still a joy. Here we are 3 years later deciding to try to make this happen again. Giving it a try again has brought up the memories of 3 years ago.

What I'm loving:
My Saturday morning Starbucks runs. I've begun making the transition to running errands on Friday night to Saturday morning. Mr. B prefers this so he doesn't have to tag along. He hates running errands. To treat myself for having to run errands on Saturday morning with everyone else in the world, I allow myself to have a bacon gouda egg sandwich with a grande coffee. I'm really liking the blonde roast with 2 pumps of sugar free hazelnut syrup, 2 splendas, a splash of nonfat milk, and a splash of cream. It's my go-to breakfast.

I'm also loving Quest protein bars. They come in several different flavors. They're protein packed and make me feel like I'm eating a candy bar.

What we've been up to:
I didn't get around to doing a separate blog post about this past weekend, so I will give a brief description here. We went to Lubbock to celebrate Jude's 1st birthday. His birthday is the 24th, but we celebrated a few days early. He had his party at Mr. Gatti's (a pizza buffet and arcade). He spent the night with Mr. B and I Friday night, so I got lots of loving from my chunky dunky. 
I'd been trying since I arrived to get him to smile. 

He'll smile in Uncle C's arms, but not mine

He's all birthday'd out and is simply humoring his crazy aunts

We think that is Mickey Mouse on his face....

He found some success while playing a Sponge Bob game. Stomp on the light!

He was NOT  a fan of the carousel ride. He's not quite that adventurous yet.

He did enjoy throwing tissue paper around to get to his presents.

Didn't quite figure out how to master the smash cake.

His birthday spread

The birthday boy on his throne

What I'm dreading:
Filling out job applications. I dread this time of year every year. I try to get closer to home each spring. It's been a losing battle for me. I spend almost a whole day filling out applications for different districts just hoping to get an interview somewhere. I keep networking and talking to different people. Hopefully this year will yield some results.

What I've been working on:
My fitness routine. I've been trying to get myself in a routine since joining Camp Gladiator. This week I'm trying to see if I can make the switch to full on 5 AM workouts. I woke up early yesterday and just couldn't make myself go. I woke up not feeling well. I am really hoping to go the rest of the week. I hate giving up my T/TH pm crew, but working out after work is really difficult for me. I'm just so exhausted from my day and commute.

What I'm excited about:
To go along with the previous point.....Last Monday night I went to Justin to workout with a sweet friend. We were celebrating her 100th check-in with CG. We had a nice little crew from church workout together to celebrate her success.

 One of her friends (or maybe trainers) bought her the cutest necklace to commemorate the event. I loved the necklace and knew instantly that I wanted something similar when I hit 100 check-ins. She texted me one she found online.
strong is the new skinny....yes, it is!

What I'm watching/reading:
My TV hasn't changed much since last month. We're nearing the final episodes of the Bachelor. Who will he pick.....? My vote is Lauren B. The Voice starts again on Monday, so that'll happen. There's only one more episode ever of Downton Abbey left (cue tears). When Calls the Heart on Hallmark Channel is back, so that'll be my new Sunday night viewing pleasure.
As for reading, that really hasn't happened much lately. I attempted to read "Gone Girl" and didn't get very far. I just haven't been in the reading mood lately. That happens sometimes.

What I'm listening to:
Last month I listed all my podcasts that I listen to. If I'm not listening to my favorite podcasts, I'm listening to Pandora (but only at home because I'm not lucky enough to have unlimited cell data). I like the classic country station and the country hymns station.

What I'm wearing:
We've been having wonky Texas weather lately. I mean, it's February! Why is it 70-80+ degrees outside? I've been breaking out my palazzo pants. Soon the maxi dresses will probably make an appearance. However, yesterday we had a cold rainy snap. I rocked a sweater dress, leggings, and my heeled booties.

What I'm doing this weekend:
I prefer low key weekends where I can relax and do a whole lot of nothing. However, that's not in the cards for me this weekend. Saturday, I'm "running" the Cowtown 5K with my father-in-law, Vanessa, and Tiff. Maybe I'll be able to run some of it. Then again, maybe not. At least I'll be working out on a Saturday. Right after I do that, I've got to go home, shower and change, then head to my friend's wedding shower. I'm a hostess, so I've got to hurry and get there to help out. I was going to see a movie with Mr. B that evening, but I asked to reschedule so I could relax. Sunday after church, I'm going to brunch with Misty and Christy. We're trying to make the 4th Sunday of the month our thing. I may or may not be eating chicken and waffles again.

What I'm looking forward to next month:
Two words: SPRING BREAK!!!!
I'm in desperate need of a week off. We also have a dream team get together scheduled for that Tuesday. I love getting together with friends.

What else is new:
Since I'm a diligent blogger, I've kept everyone pretty up to date each week.

What is your favorite Easter tradition:
I don't have any Easter traditions now as an adult, but I do remember some childhood traditions. My grandmother would always make me and my sister Easter baskets with lots of goodies in them. We looked forward to these baskets every year. They even continued into our teen years. After church, we always got to hunt eggs in her yard after eating a yummy dinner. 

Monday, February 15, 2016

Back on Track and Feeling Good

So, let's completely ignore the fact that I ate a ton of chocolate this past weekend since it was Valentine's day. The weekends are a trap, people. A trap. Monday-Friday night, I can rock on my eating plan. Off the wagon I go Friday night until Sunday. Sometimes are worse than others, but you get the idea. Any way.....I found this gem on Pinterest and loved it! Here's my daily checklist:

I mean, #1 and it! #2 is clearly a work in progress.

Speaking of progress, I got back into my workout regimen after the dreaded recovery week break. Week 1 of a new camp. I went 5 days this past week. That meant back to waking up at 4:30 AM on Wednesday/Friday. Here was my Wednesday morning pic. Yeah, that game changer shake gives me what I need to complete the whole hour without feeling hungry. I can't wait for the new cafe latte flavor to come to my door step in a few days.

Here's another good motivational quote I found.....
I posted this on Friday evening. I woke up at 4:30 that morning really wanting to skip my workout. Then I got to thinking about my Greek Gyro and fries that I was going to have for dinner, all the chocolate I was going to consume, and the other food I was already planning to eat over the weekend. If I didn't want to feel guilty, I needed to complete my workout plan. I was determined to not feel guilty.

Friday night was another painting date for us. We haven't been in a couple of months, but we found a painting we liked. I had a free class, and the owner always has 50% off codes available. We always hit up Alex's Greek Cafe next door to the studio before painting. We sat next to a fun couple that kept us laughing the whole time.

Our great masterpiece. We're thinking guest bathroom for this one. I mean, we really are running out of space for them. Next up, Mr. B wants to paint the Batman vs. Superman painting......

Saturday was a day of running errands and laziness. Mr. B and I have kind of made a habit out of getting take out on Saturday nights and watching movies together. The past 2 weeks we went to the library and got some for free. This week, we chose from our own collection. We only watched 1 movie this week. Mr. B wanted to play cards. We played 2 games of Nertz (which I clearly won) before heading to bed. Sunday was Valentine's Day. He worked and I went to church. The rest of my day was spent in laziness on the couch. We both took a 2 hour nap that afternoon. We must have been tired! All I requested was some of his chicken strip and Mac n' Cheese that he hand makes at work. I did a bonus post about our Valentine's Day that you can catch up on here.

I was lucky and had a 3 day weekend this week. I spent my Monday in laziness and did some laundry. I had a brief interruption when the AT&T guy came out to install our new internet, but other than that it was restful. I just woke up from an hour and a half nap. Why in the world did I need one of those when I already slept 10 hours the night before!? I'm looking forward to tonight when I get to workout with friends from church and celebrate Pam's 100th check-in with Camp Gladiator!!! Tomorrow is another 5 AM workout since I have to work late and can't attend my usual evening class. Back to back 5 AM classes.....I can do this!!!!

And just because my mom just sent me these.......

We're traveling to Lubbock this weekend to celebrate this little guy's 1st birthday (which on the 24th). 

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Valentine's Day 2016

I still intend on doing my weekly post. However, I thought since it was Valentine's Day I would do a bonus post. I actually did a few cute things for Mr. B this week. I started last Sunday and continued all the way until this Sunday. I bought these cute gift tags from Target and wrote little sayings on the back that went with whatever treat I was giving him for the day. Since my first 2 treats and sayings were specific to us, I'll keep those private. I will share days 3-8.

  • Just thought you should know that I've been "chex-n" you out! (bag of Chex mix)
  • I really "donut" know what I'd do without you (donut holes-his favorite)
  • It's quite obvious we were "mint" for each other (junior mints)
  • My heart does "flipz" for you (chocolate covered flipz pretzels)
  • I was "one smart cookie" when I chose you (cookie)
  • In case you haven't noticed, I'm "nacho" average valentine (bag of nacho cheese doritos)
He received the chips on Sunday morning, but I wanted to leave him with something when he got home from work. I wrote him a little poem....

A week of treats has come and went.
I hope you've enjoyed all I've sent.
All I ever wanted you to know
Is that my love for you will always grow.
I'm so happy you chose me to be your wife.
I'm glad that together we get to do this thing called "life."
I know the absence of my daily treats will be hard. 
But perhaps you'll be satisfied with this card.
I'm sure you know by now I'm the coolest girl you'll ever meet.
Now enjoy my final witty line and Valentine treat!

(my final witty line: "I-tune" into our marriage every day because I love your face!- iTunes gift card)

I woke up to a surprise of my own. I received a charm and some earrings with some chocolate. Ahhh...he gets me! I failed to mention that earlier last week he surprised me with Lilly flowers and a card with a handwritten note for "just because." He even said the flowers were on sale! That's my kind of guy!!!!!

My cousin, Kilah, posted these questions on Facebook that she answered about her and her husband. I thought it was cute and would make for a great Valentine's Day post. So here goes....

  1. Where did you meet your other half? We met at Market Street in Colleyville where we both worked. He was in the Deli and I was a cashier. He sliced some meat for me one day and flashed his mega watt smile and I was smitten.
  2. How long have you been with your significant other? almost 7 years together and 6 years married
  3. When did you say "I do?" July 17, 2010
  4. What song did you walk down the aisle to? Brad Paisley's "She's Everything"
  5. Do you have any children yet? we have 2 furry children that we love and are currently working on human children;)
  6. What's your favorite thing about your other half? It's so hard to choose just one thing. I love the way he makes me feel special. He tells me I'm beautiful and that he loves me every day and means it. His laugh is infectious. He's the best hugger around!
  7. Were you and your other half high school sweethearts? NO! Sad to say, if we had gone to high school together I wouldn't have looked at him. We grew up in different parts of the state.
  8. Where was your first date? Buffalo Wild Wings...kinda. This is where we first hung out together. It was with my sister and friend. I remember thinking it was so cute how he went home from work and dressed up just to meet up with us. Our first official date as a couple was just a few days later at Olive Garden. I remember being so impressed because the only places my last boyfriend took me was to The Waffle House and the $1 movies. LOL
  9. How long were you dating before you said "I love you?" about a month and a half I think
  10. How long were you dating your other half before he proposed? We starting dating in May of 2009 and he proposed the Saturday after Thanksgiving that same year.
  11. Where is your favorite place you have traveled with our other half? We loved the Dominican Republic and Mexico. We can't wait for more adventures together.
  12. How do you and your other half usually spend Valentine's Day? We are low key people. I don't like to go out on the actual day because it's so busy. I'd rather stay at home. I requested his hand made chicken strips from work and Mac n' Cheese for dinner tonight. I'm a simple gal.
  13. What does your favorite date night consist of? We love to eat Greek food and go painting together. 
  14. What is the best gift you've received from your other half? The first gift he ever gave me was a Tinker Bell charm for my charm bracelet when we first started dating. He knew I was obsessed with Tinker Bell at the time (still love her), and he just bought it because he knew I liked her. Since then, my favorite gift would have to be my 30th birthday present. He hand painted a painting for me of his own creation. I was so impressed and it was so thoughtful! His thoughtfulness is what makes him so wonderful!!!!

Monday, February 8, 2016

To Be Honest....

This week was not my finest week. It was recovery week for CG, so I did not have my normal workout schedule to keep me accountable. There were workouts every day of the week, but none of the W-S locations fit my schedule. There were a couple of power yoga sessions I wanted to go to, but they were at 5:30 AM in Far North Keller. There would be no way I could make it to work on time. I was able to attend my normal M/T evening class, but that was it. I had these great plans to do my Beach Body workouts the rest of the week. Yeah.....laziness set in. I didn't want to do anything. This was just further proof that I needed what CG was offering me. I'm seeing results, so I get addicted to going. I have fun and feel worked out.

I also started my 21 Day Fix challenge this week. I'm helping out with the coaching of our group. I feel like a failure at that. I did OK eating wise until Friday night hit. The weekend was completely down hill. Add that to my lack of working out, and well......
I'm just thankful that this is a new week. Mr. B and I did capture a Monday night post workout selfie for me to post in my challenge group.

Speaking of food, this is one of my favorite quick "go to" meals. It's the Panko breaded tilapia fillets from Trader Joes, shaved brussel sprouts from Trader Joes (tossed in chipolte olive oil and garlic salt), and a sweet potato (sliced, dusted with coconut oil and sea salt). 

I fount this motivational poster to post in my challenge group. I posted it with an honest disclaimer saying that I've broke just about every rule on this post....(except for the drinking for me). I skipped many workouts. I had a total cheat weekend; therefore, number 3 obviously didn't happen. I did take time to relax. I don't know about everyone else, but my weekends always fly by. I always have great plans to be lazy on the weekends, but I always find things that I need to do that cut into my relaxing time.

Friday night we went to Kelli and James' house for chili and game night. We played "Encore." This is a singing game (that I won). I've never played before, but it is definitely my kind of game. You're given a word and you have to come up with songs to sing with that word in it. Totally up my alley. We also played Nertz (which Kelli won....of course). That's one of my favorite games to play. It was a great evening of laughter, wheezing laughs (James), choking laughs (Mr. B), and all around awesomeness.

Saturday I had a couple of errands to run. I got to spend some time catching up on my DVR shows until Mr. B came home. We hit up the library for some free movies and had another movie night at home with some Costa Vida for dinner. 

Sunday I went to worship services. I came home and went to order my night stand with my warranty rebate. I had time to watch a one full Hallmark movie and half another in between loads of laundry before heading back to church for a teacher's meeting and evening worship service. We went to a super bowl party after church. We only stayed a little over an hour. I don't like to be out on a school night. #lame #imold
I came home and finished my Hallmark movie and watched Lip Sync battle while eating some Taco Villa for dinner. I was in bed by 9:30.

Where does the weekend go?
This is the week leading up to Valentine's Day. I'm having fun surprising Mr. B with a treat and a fun note each day. He's loving the little surprises and witty love notes, too.