Monday, June 5, 2017

Confessions of an Imperfect Perfectionist #3

Self-compassion: also known as giving myself some grace when I fail.

I was experiencing a high when I first joined Weight Watchers. I was losing every week....until I wasn't. In fact, the past 2 weeks I've gained! The first time it was 1/2 a pound (no big deal). But this last Saturday it was over 2 pounds. Say what!? I tried to look on the positive side of things: My eating was better this past week AND I had worked out every day that week. That's more activity than I have done in a long time.

Well, we were having and kick-off to Summer party with friends on Saturday. And the food situation got UGLY! It started when we went to breakfast with Mr. B's parents at a new place we wanted to try. We wanted to try all the things. I had a fancy coffee....Nutella Mocha. Probably loaded with empty calories. Liquid calories are the worst because they in now way satisfy hunger. Then I get a scramble with eggs, cheese, bacon, tomatoes, and avocado. Well it came with a side of hash browns (that happened to be so delicious) and a bread ( I chose the cinnamon roll). I ate everything, minus the cinnamon roll. It wasn't that great, so I only ate a few bites and gave the rest to Mr. B. However, I did eat a few bites of his chicken and waffles. I was feeling good about not attacking my cinnamon roll and giving it away. That is, until I got to my friend's house where her fiance bought Mr. B a cinnamon roll from this great donut place. I did like the taste of that cinnamon roll. I attacked about half of it. #notproud

Then came the afternoon. We were walking around Legacy West (a new shopping center that opened up) and they had free food and drinks all up and down the street. We ate at a place called "Shake Shack" where I had a cheeseburger and cheese fries! I ate it all! At least it kept me from wanting all the free samples. #smallgraces
That afternoon I snacked on veggies and pita chips with hummus and spinach artichoke dip. Doesn't sound too bad, except for the fact that I ate large quantities of the dips. Then to close out the evening, I ate one slice of thin crust pepperoni pizza from Pizza Hut.

I was not proud of my choices that day. I tried to find bright spots: Like the fact that I got my steps in that day. We did a lot of walking. I also made sure to get my squats in for my squat challenge I'm doing. #silverlinings

I told myself that I was going to stay focused this next week. So I had a bad food day! It happens. Tomorrow is a new day. I could've just said "Forget it!" and chuck the whole week. I'm choosing to give myself grace for that day of debauchery. I was super on point for Sunday. Choosing to snack on watermelon rather than "health" bars and other items. I stuck to my Shakeology for dinner. Now here it is Monday afternoon. I've already got one workout in with another planned for this evening. I already have my Shakeology in for today. I've planned out what I'm going to eat today so I know what my day is going to be like. I don't even have to think about what I'm going to eat today because it's already tracked in my app. I've checked into my challenge group today. I'm really going to make it a point to be consistent in my challenge group and stay accountable. I've got plans to take measurements and do before photos this week. It's game time. I'm sure I will mess up more on this journey. But I must give myself grace for those mistakes and realize that I can dust myself back off and start over the next day. This is a marathon, not a sprint. I will encounter bumps along the way, but I will get back on course. Because I'm worth it!

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