Thursday, December 29, 2016

What's Up Wednesday (on a Thursday)-December 2016 Edition

I'm a day late because I spent the day with Mr. B since he was off from work and it would be our last day of together for a while. We mostly stayed home since we were recovering from a nasty stomach bug that hit us over the weekend. We did get out to have some frozen yogurt at Menchies and grab some clearance holiday stuff for next year. We took down the Christmas decor and binge watched some Netflix. It was a good day. Now he's working the late shift today, and I've been sitting at my computer for hours working on my January plans and goals and getting some much needed blogging done. So here's the final edition for the 2016 "What's Up Wednesday" posts!!!!

What we're eating this week:
OK, real talk for a minute.....crap! That's what we're eating this week. It's the final week of the year, and we all know that means binge eat like you mean it because we are all making those age old year end promises to do better when the new year rolls around. I'm proud to say I'm just as cliche as the rest of America. I won't give specifics. I'm basically binge eating all the junk in my house before next week rolls around and I vow to do better and get my life right.

What I'm reminiscing about:
My winter break! I mean, where did it go? The first week was a blur because it was my birthday and getting ready for Christmas. Now here I am with one weekday left in my break. There's still books I want to read and Netflix marathons I want to watch. Oh, and did I mention the staying up as late as I want and sleeping until my body naturally wakes up? Because that's been fantastic! Then there's the lounging around "pants optional" clothing and lack of laundry that needs to be done because of that clothing choice. I could go on and on, but what's the use? Monday will roll around soon enough and the 5:00 AM wake up call will return. Although, Monday I don't have to be at work until 8:30 because my principal is amazing and recognizes that we will still have winter break brain that Monday while the kids enjoy their extra day of break.

What I'm loving:
I think we can read the about category and clearly see that I'm loving my winter break for all mentioned reasons.

What I've been wearing:
Again, reference my lounging around "pants optional" clothing comment from earlier. But I've also ventured into the abyss known as Lularoe clothing. I am loving that! I'm sure I'll be adding more pieces to my collection soon.

What I'm dreading:
The Spring semester. It's my least favorite because it's longer and I feel that it passes more slowly. The Fall semester has so many breaks and fun things in it. I feel the Spring is all about testing. Now that I teach a STAAR grade, that is my life now. However, I love my new school and teaching 3rd grade, so I do what I do and try to do it the best I know how!

What I'm working on:
Making my goals for 2017. I do this every year. I plan out what I want my life, spiritual, fitness, reading, and other goals will be for the upcoming year. I'll have a separate blog post to talk about all those!

What I'm excited about:
I'm excited about tackling those goals. This time of year always gets me so motivated to refresh and renew myself.

What I'm watching/reading:
Most shows are in their winter break. The Bachelor starts up again next week, so I'll be watching and  making fun of that. I'm excited that my favorite podcast, "The Popcast with Knox and Jamie," will be re-capping that show for their Patreon supporters (which I now proudly am)! I'm also watching "The Royals" on E! I'm looking to get back to reading once I sit down and decide what I want to read when I do my goals.

What I'm listening to:
Currently as I type, I'm listening to classical radio for studying on Pandora. It's my go-to when I'm working and need background noise that isn't distracting. I can't listen to anything with words because I'd just bust out singing and get distracted from my work. I had to retire the Pandora Christmas music until next year. It's hard to still listen once the holiday is over and it's 80 degrees outside. #thankyoutexasweather

What I'm doing this weekend:
Since it's New Year's Eve, we are going to have a date night for dinner before going to a party. We like to keep it low key and close to home because this is when the crazies usually come out to play.

What I'm looking forward to next month:
There's nothing major going on in January. My twin BFF's have their birthday on the 7th, so we'll be celebrating that. I have a 3-day weekend for MLK day. There's no huge plans for us as of now.

What we've been up to:
I kicked off December by having a great lunch and cookie exchange with my Dream Team from Sherrod. It was so good to be back with these ladies again after so long. I love how we can pick back up where we left off. I was so thankful for the time we had together. I feel so blessed to have worked with such wonderful women during my time there.

Mr. B and I went on our 3rd annual Christmas light viewing with dinner and Starbucks. His parents went along for the fun. We did dinner at Carino's before heading to Starbucks for our caramel apple spice drinks. We saw some pretty fun light displays.

Mr. B and I celebrated my 31st birthday in our usual tradition: going to Sundance Square and taking pictures in front of the big Christmas tree and light display where we got engaged. We had dinner at PF Changs. We grabbed a hot cocoa from Starbucks on the way home to go with some yummy cupcakes my teammates from school bought for me. My twin BFF's had a little surprise party for me at their house. We had sushi for dinner, a homemade pecan cheesecake (shout out Christy), and watched the Cowboys game. On my actual birthday, Mr. B gave me my presents and brought me my favorite foods for dinner: chicken strips he made at work especially for me (it's good being married to the "chicken man"), mac n' cheese from "Lee's Grilled Cheese", and a yummy salad. We ate mini bundt cakes from "Nothing Bundt Cakes" for dessert.
The birthday girl ready for her night out!

Mr. B and I ready to get some dinner! My handsome date:)

This is a yearly staple picture that must be taken

Santa's workshop

The wind was so fierce and cold this night that we took a pic inside with the Christmas tree inside the Hightower building

My birthday cheesecake from Christy!

Mr. B hand-painted this Tinkerbell for me and picked out these gorgeous studs for me!

My mom knows my affection for onesie pajamas, so she got me another one!

We headed to Lubbock on the 22nd after Mr. B got off work to celebrate Christmas Eve with my family. While we were there, we got to ride on the Polar Express with Jude. My sister was a chef on our train and my dad was Santa himself. On Christmas Eve we had dinner and opened presents. It was a fun few days with my family. Mr. B got sick that night with the stomach bug, so it made for an interesting few days and trip home the next morning. We got up early Christmas day to drive back home in time for lunch with Mr. B's family. I had to drive back since he wasn't feeling 100%. He wasn't feeling well enough to enjoy the food, but I sure was! Monday we had Christmas lunch with Mr. B's immediate family and watched the niece and nephews open presents. Then I was the lucky recipient of the stomach bug that night.

Upon arrival I immediately had to get my Jude cuddles in

and sit in Santa's lap and request a unicorn.....#whenyourdadissanta

The dogs needed in on Santa love too

In our matching turtle jammies to ride the Polar Express

We "Jude-napped" him so we would have a kid with us!

He just adores his Uncle C!

On the train waiting to go to the North Pole

"All Aboard!" We got our golden tickets for the train with Mr. Conductor

We made it a family affair on the train. Too bad Mr. B was too busy getting the baby to look at the camera that he forgot to look. This one is going in the fancy Polar Express frame I bought at the gift shop....

Santa gave us our silver jingle bells

Me with my sister, the Chef! I'm pretty sure there's no family resemblance (insert eye rolling emoji) #couldbetwins 

My mom is the best stocking stuffer. She got us all our favorite snacks and drinks and gift cards. It wouldn't fit in a stocking, so she put it in serving bowls. Now I have 2 big serving bowls. Thanks mom!

My little sis, Lizzy, knows me so well that she bestowed upon me a cup with my favorite emoji. If you know me, you know why this is my favorite. 

What else is new:
I decided to be wife of the year and buy Mr. B what he's been wanting for a long time now: the new Xbox 1S and all the accessories. He got the console, 3 games, a headset (from my sister), the kinect with the adapter, a charger for his controller, and a 12 month membership to Xbox Live. He was so thrilled. It was all worth it to see his reaction as he opened a gift he wasn't expecting at all. It gave me such joy to see his reaction.

Also, I'm a sassy blonde now. So there's that.....
My girl Lana made me look sassy!!!

Well, that's a wrap 2016! I shall return in 2017 with these posts since these seem to be all I have time for these days!

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