Saturday, October 1, 2016

What's Up Wednesday....September 2016 Editiion

I can't believe I skipped the August edition, but I've been so busy at work. The new school year has me on my toes. I don't think I've ever worked so hard in my life. And now I'm late on the September edition. I was about to schedule this post and think I was ahead of the game when I realized it's already October. I'm late again. #storyofmylifelately
 I made it a point to turn off the Hallmark Channel this weekend so I could actually sit down and write. So here goes....

What we're eating this week: So I've been in a place lately where I'm no longer able to plan out my meals for the week because I just don't know what I'm going to be in the mood for or if I'll even be home in time to cook (OK, so I don't cook. Mr. B does), but even his schedule has been changed. Here are some possibilities: beef tacos, lasagna, pork chops with rice a roni, pizza. I'm not proud of what I've been putting in my basket lately.

What I'm reminiscing about: Summer break. While I'm glad the weather is finally starting to cool off a bit, I miss my days off when I had no worries and no stress. Those days are long gone. I'm in full on school mode now, and I am busy!

What I'm loving: Don't laugh....uncrustable sandwiches. Not the peanut butter and jelly kind, but the chocolate hazelnut spread kind. That's right people, they make uncrustables with a Nutella-like filling. Oh my, life changed.

What we've been up to: Work. Work. Work. Mr. B has had new responsibilities at work and a schedule change, and I've been going non-stop since school started. We are very busy bees right now.

What I'm dreading: I have an appointment coming up that is making me a bit nervous, but I'm trying desperately to hold onto my faith in God that all with be fine. Past circumstances have me a bit on edge about everything, but I'm praying for a favorable outcome.

What I'm working on: Surviving my first year in this new school district. Listen, I feel like a first year teacher all over again. I've been teaching for 8 years, and I feel like I'm just starting out. Every time I feel I've cleared my plate, someone comes and gives me a heaping dose of seconds. People, I'm trying to lose the weight and eat less. LOL
But I couldn't ask for a better place to be. I'm loving my new school, the kids, and the staff. If I'm going to feel all kinds of crazy, this is where I want to do it at and who I want to do it with!

What I'm excited about: In a couple of weeks we are going to Lubbock with our friends to watch the Tech homecoming game. This will be the first game I've attended at Tech since I graduated almost 9 years ago. Yikes! Did I just say 9 years ago? Wow! I'm looking forward to reliving some of those college years with friends just tailgating and watching football on a Saturday. I'm also excited to bring Mr. B to his first game at The Jones!

What I'm watching/reading: My reading has suffered since school has started back, and now Fall TV is gearing up. Sadly, I have nothing new to report on the book front. As for TV, I'm watching my usual shows. I'm watching one of the new shows that started this season called "This is Us." I'm 2 episodes in and loving it. I feel there's going to be a surprise ending each week. Love it.

What I'm listening to: I refuse to listen to current radio. I have Pandora and Spotify. My Pandora station of choice is either Classic Country or 50's Doo-wop music. #dontjudge
If I feel like singing, I put on my country sing along Spotify playlist.

What I'm wearing: Palazzo pants with T-shirts, maxi skirts, school spirit shirts. However, this past Monday I got to wear my boots and a scarf for the first time. Looking forward to more of that.

What I'm doing this weekend: I'll be enjoying a 3-Day weekend. Thank you Columbus! It's also second Sunday, which means I'm lunching with my BFFs! I can't wait!

What I'm looking forward to next month: Our trip to Lubbock, seeing my dad and celebrating his 60th birthday, and celebrating Mr. B's 31st birthday.

What else is new: Mr. B graduated from  his management training program at work. So now he can officially be an assistant manager. I'm so proud and excited for him! I love his ambition and his drive to propel himself forward in his career. I couldn't ask for a better husband than that man. Oh, how I love him. We also are working on something else that's new......we're pretty excited about it. More to come later:)

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