Monday, August 19, 2013

Just some thoughts.....Why I do what I do

It's been a while since I've blogged on here, but I've been busy trying to stay dedicated to my newest post on my pregnancy blog! My goal is to post weekly to share my pregnancy journey. I don't share it because I want the world to know what's going on every week, but the main reason is because I think it will be cool for the twins to be able to read this when they get older and know what I experienced while pregnant with them. I mean, it does give family and friends who live far away to be connected to me and my experience, but ultimately I just wanted something for my kids. I'm not big on scrapbooking, but an online journal of my experiences is right up my alley. I am approaching my blog through the viewpoint of the babies. They are telling the story. It's their journey, too. This allows me to show some humor in my posts. I also wanted to make what might seem like an agonizing and uncomfortable time, to be seen as humorous. I want my children to know what I experienced while carrying them, but I don't want them thinking it was 9 months of misery. I want them to know that I felt blessed to carry them and that I always saw humor in any situation I was in. It is my goal to continue this story through their early childhood, still through their viewpoint. One day, I would love for them to continue their story. I'm sure my mother will provide the picture memories via scrapbook, but I wanted to provide vivid details through print. As a teacher, I feel this will influence them to write and know that you can write about anything and make it appealing. Writing can be a fun and creative outlet. Besides, my hands don't get near as tired typing as they would if I was documenting everything using pen and paper in a leather bound journal. I look forward to my time in front of this computer letting my thoughts flow through my finger tips.

Now, I must post about my first pregnancy purchase for myself....aside from a couple of maxi dresses in a larger size. I bought the Boppy full body pillow. It curves to your body. It comes in 3 detachable pieces. One for my head, one for my belly, and one to go between my knees. I can detach the parts and use only what I need. Everything attaches with velcro. I'm trying to train myself to sleep on my left side since this is essential later in my pregnancy. I'm still a work in progress. Here's the packaging for the pillow:
So in conclusion, I think blogging is wonderful! I use blogs to keep up with friends/family, restaurant reviews, and teaching ideas. Do It!

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