I can hardly believe this marks the 7th year of my teaching journey. I feel like just yesterday I was interviewing for my first job. This is my 4th year in first grade. It's weird seeing my first groups of first graders sitting in 4th grade classrooms. While I absolutely love my job (despite the frequent complaining throughout the year and the countdown to days off), the first week of school is definitely not my favorite. I'm a woman who thrives on routines and procedures. This helps me maximize my time and be effective in my teaching. All that goes out the window the first week....and even a few more after that. There is no rhyme of rhythm to that first week. It's all about figuring out your students' personalities and them figuring out you. A lot of button pushing. It's like after a a great year of everyone knowing what needs to be done and when/how to do it (for the most part) spoils me. I forget in August I have to start at ground zero. These little babies are still big kindergartners for a while. By October, I usually hit my stride.
I currently have 17 kiddos in my class. With one of the lowest classes, I know I'm going to be the first to get all the new babies when they come. I managed to get everything labeled and set up. I got week 2 lesson plans done before school even started. We will be attempting to start our normal class schedule of events this upcoming week. I only give a week to "winging it" because I like to get right into teaching. Granted, there are a few things that will still need to be practiced before put into full gear (think proper behavior and procedures for Literacy and Math stations). For the most part, I plan on implementing the full schedule next week. I've got a lot of assessing to do before I can get my small group instruction under way. Luckily, I was able to do a sight word assessment on all my kiddos and identify a few red flags to send to our support team.
I must say, I have some seriously cute kids this year. From glasses, to pom pom hairstyles, and chubby cheeks, I just want to hug them all. Behavior wise they seem pretty good. I do have about 3 that are refusing to give me a honeymoon behavior period. They just wanted to be real and show it all this first week. That's cool. I know what to expect now. I think it's totally manageable though.
It has been great to be back with the girls on a daily basis again. Even though we've texted all summer, it's just nice to have the real thing again. We've already started giving major side eye to a few things....because #thatswhoweare
We're missing the 3 ladies who left us this year (tear). It was nice to have a group convo with all 7 of the #dreamteam last night to recap the first week. Lots of laughter on that thread.
PTA provided breakfast for us on Friday. Like I really needed a carb fest! I treated myself to a Dr. Pepper on my conference period yesterday, too. Mr. B and I went back to our Friday night dinner and shopping routine. We went to Pluckers for the second Friday in a row because #teachersgetfreeappetizers
After 3 fried pickles and 2 1/2 chicken strips, I was full. Thanks in large part to the huge glass of water they provide. I was surprised that I didn't exceed my calorie count for the day. I'm also liking that I'm getting in a lot of steps now that I'm back at school. Our school is pretty big, and if you have to walk all over it you're bound to hit your step count for the day.
Our annual first Friday rotations went pretty successfully...even with a teacher out for the day. The first Friday of the school year we let the kids rotate to all the classes to meet the teachers, for us to meet them, and to do a different activity (mini assessment) in each classroom. It makes the day go by super fast! I think each one of us definitely have our "challenges" this year, but I feel it'll be a great year.
We were able to even get our old fine arts time back. Third grade wanted to switch, and we were just fine with it. The end of the day was nice because at 2:30 we were done for the day. However, it's just too quick of a turn around for little first graders to go from fine arts straight to dismissal. Giving us that hour in between the 2 works much better for us. We're happy to have it back.
Yesterday the strangest thing happened. I was walking back to my room when I was stopped and asked for advice by our SPED team. That's not the strange part. The strange part was I knew exactly what advice to give them. I couldn't believe the stuff coming out of my mouth! I actually knew what I was talking about and it sounded so smart. Like I've been doing this for years. Now, I'm not saying that I don't know what I'm doing in my classroom. I totally do. It's just kind of strange that I'm at the point in my career when people are asking what to do and I don't even hesitate or really need to ponder it much anymore. The words just came out. I take this as a good sign because I eventually would like to become an instructional coach. I want to help other teachers help their struggling students and to work with those struggling students.
It might have been a rocky week for me, but I think I'm going to get in my groove soon and have a great year. At least, I'm sure going to try to!
Saturday, August 29, 2015
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
What's Up Wednesday: August 2015 Edition
In all the craziness of back to school, I almost forgot this post was coming until this morning when I saw another blogger posting about it. I actually had to make a note and put it on my computer to remind myself to do this post when I got home from school today. So here goes....
What we're eating this week:
I've been trying to find quick, but healthy, dinners. I hardly cook when I'm back at school. OK, so maybe I hardly cook at all. I totally can, and I'm great at it but......Anyway, a friend told me about this place called "The Fresh Market." Thursdays they have a meal bundle for $20. This last week it was a noodle bowl. We (by "we" I mean Mr. B) cooked it yesterday, and there's enough for today and tomorrow.
What I'm reminiscing about:
What I'm loving:
This may sound strange, but I'm loving getting up at 5:30 instead of 6:30 on my workdays. Last year, I would get up, get dressed, and head out the door with my cup of coffee. I'd eat breakfast at school. Waking up a whole hour earlier gives me time to chill in the mornings and not be so rushed. I thought I would try to make myself do a quick workout first thing, but that only lasted 3 days. #fail #storyofmylife
I get up and have a meal replacement shake while I'm getting ready. That only takes me about 20 minutes. Then I have my coffee while I'm reading my devotional and blogs, checking email/Facebook, and watching the news. I leave my house a little before 7 and am at school around 7:30. That gives me enough time to eat a morning snack and do any last minute prepping before the kids arrive.
What we've been up to:
Since the beginning of the month it's pretty much been back to school prep. We did manage to finish watching all 7 seasons of Gilmore Girls. I wasn't impressed with the ending. I think they could've given us a bit more closure with Lorelai and Rory's love lives.
What I'm dreading:
Those that know me know that I love routines. I dread the beginning of the school year. This is when I have to teach routines and procedures. I pretty much have to start at ground zero. It takes them a couple of months before they really turn into "first graders." By October I'm usually in my groove. The first six weeks are brutal. You almost forget that you have to do this before it gets better. I got spoiled with my class last year and how quick they picked up everything. Every year is a new journey.
What I'm working on:
Routines. Routines. Routines. We are practicing rules, procedures, and routines for six weeks. This first week is crucial. I'm also working on trying to be a bit calmer when students may frustrate me. I really wish I didn't have to show my crazy so early on. However, sometimes they need to see the "Browning Crazy" to really understand.
What I'm excited about:
My classroom! I decorated it all in Texas Tech! You can check out the full classroom tour here.
What I'm watching/reading:
I'm still watching the Bachelor franchise. I love who they chose for the new bachelor, so I'll be watching when that comes on. Fall TV and football season is right around the corner. Until then, not much is going on. I haven't read all summer (shocking, I know). I need to get back on the reading bus. I have a Nook and Kindle full of unread books. I should probably crack one open while I'm waiting for fall TV to start up again.
What I'm listening to:
My car jams playlist. It has a lot of country, one rap song, a few pop songs, and some classic rock.
What I'm wearing:
OK, where have these pants been all my life!? I bought several pairs of palazzo pants when they would go on sale so I would have comfy pants for work. I mean, who likes to wear confining clothes when it's hot, you're working all day, and you're chubby!? Not me! I wear these pants with a plain T-shirt. My solid pants I can pair with a printed shirt. I got several compliments on these pants today.
What I'm doing this weekend:
Right now our schedule is wide open. I'll probably be recovering from the first week of school. Laundry and grocery shopping will probably make the "To-Do" list.
What I'm looking forward to next month:
Cooler temps (hopefully), Labor Day 3-Day weekend (already want that 3 day weekend), and hanging out with the gang. Oh, and football!!! I'm a Texas girl, so I'm a Cowboys Fan. If you see my classroom, you already know my college team....Red Raiders!
What else is new:
Last Saturday I went with my neighbors to visit at a retirement home that specializes in Alzheimer's. My neighbor is a DJ, so he brought his sound system and played all kinds of music. Though, they enjoyed the country music the best. I got to sing (yes, he gave me a mic....plugged in even) and dance with the sweet people. I even taught them the chicken dance. One sweet man got up, walked over to me with the most excited look on his face, and started dancing with me. The joy on their faces made me so happy and thrilled that I could be there and join in on that experience. I plan on going with them every other Saturday.
Favorite back to school tradition:
I love having my mom come down for a few days and help me decorate my room. I always try to have my room ready the first week of August. This way, I can take the whole second week off before I go back officially that third week. I'm so thankful for all the hard work she puts in to make sure my sweet students and I have a great room to be in all year.
What we're eating this week:
I've been trying to find quick, but healthy, dinners. I hardly cook when I'm back at school. OK, so maybe I hardly cook at all. I totally can, and I'm great at it but......Anyway, a friend told me about this place called "The Fresh Market." Thursdays they have a meal bundle for $20. This last week it was a noodle bowl. We (by "we" I mean Mr. B) cooked it yesterday, and there's enough for today and tomorrow.
What I'm reminiscing about:
2 things: School has started, and I'm already missing summer. Just a little over a month ago Mr. B and I were lounging on a beach in Mexico being waited on all day.

Since school has started, I'm really missing our #dreamteam of 7! One retired, one had a baby, and one moved to 2nd grade. It's a rarity to find 7 women who can get along and work together without drama. I'm glad that all 7 of us still text. 3 of them still have to work with me every day (let the evil laughter ensue).
What I'm loving:
This may sound strange, but I'm loving getting up at 5:30 instead of 6:30 on my workdays. Last year, I would get up, get dressed, and head out the door with my cup of coffee. I'd eat breakfast at school. Waking up a whole hour earlier gives me time to chill in the mornings and not be so rushed. I thought I would try to make myself do a quick workout first thing, but that only lasted 3 days. #fail #storyofmylife
I get up and have a meal replacement shake while I'm getting ready. That only takes me about 20 minutes. Then I have my coffee while I'm reading my devotional and blogs, checking email/Facebook, and watching the news. I leave my house a little before 7 and am at school around 7:30. That gives me enough time to eat a morning snack and do any last minute prepping before the kids arrive.
What we've been up to:
Since the beginning of the month it's pretty much been back to school prep. We did manage to finish watching all 7 seasons of Gilmore Girls. I wasn't impressed with the ending. I think they could've given us a bit more closure with Lorelai and Rory's love lives.
What I'm dreading:
Those that know me know that I love routines. I dread the beginning of the school year. This is when I have to teach routines and procedures. I pretty much have to start at ground zero. It takes them a couple of months before they really turn into "first graders." By October I'm usually in my groove. The first six weeks are brutal. You almost forget that you have to do this before it gets better. I got spoiled with my class last year and how quick they picked up everything. Every year is a new journey.
What I'm working on:
Routines. Routines. Routines. We are practicing rules, procedures, and routines for six weeks. This first week is crucial. I'm also working on trying to be a bit calmer when students may frustrate me. I really wish I didn't have to show my crazy so early on. However, sometimes they need to see the "Browning Crazy" to really understand.
What I'm excited about:
My classroom! I decorated it all in Texas Tech! You can check out the full classroom tour here.
What I'm watching/reading:
I'm still watching the Bachelor franchise. I love who they chose for the new bachelor, so I'll be watching when that comes on. Fall TV and football season is right around the corner. Until then, not much is going on. I haven't read all summer (shocking, I know). I need to get back on the reading bus. I have a Nook and Kindle full of unread books. I should probably crack one open while I'm waiting for fall TV to start up again.
What I'm listening to:
My car jams playlist. It has a lot of country, one rap song, a few pop songs, and some classic rock.
What I'm wearing:
OK, where have these pants been all my life!? I bought several pairs of palazzo pants when they would go on sale so I would have comfy pants for work. I mean, who likes to wear confining clothes when it's hot, you're working all day, and you're chubby!? Not me! I wear these pants with a plain T-shirt. My solid pants I can pair with a printed shirt. I got several compliments on these pants today.
What I'm doing this weekend:
Right now our schedule is wide open. I'll probably be recovering from the first week of school. Laundry and grocery shopping will probably make the "To-Do" list.
What I'm looking forward to next month:
Cooler temps (hopefully), Labor Day 3-Day weekend (already want that 3 day weekend), and hanging out with the gang. Oh, and football!!! I'm a Texas girl, so I'm a Cowboys Fan. If you see my classroom, you already know my college team....Red Raiders!
What else is new:
Last Saturday I went with my neighbors to visit at a retirement home that specializes in Alzheimer's. My neighbor is a DJ, so he brought his sound system and played all kinds of music. Though, they enjoyed the country music the best. I got to sing (yes, he gave me a mic....plugged in even) and dance with the sweet people. I even taught them the chicken dance. One sweet man got up, walked over to me with the most excited look on his face, and started dancing with me. The joy on their faces made me so happy and thrilled that I could be there and join in on that experience. I plan on going with them every other Saturday.
Favorite back to school tradition:
I love having my mom come down for a few days and help me decorate my room. I always try to have my room ready the first week of August. This way, I can take the whole second week off before I go back officially that third week. I'm so thankful for all the hard work she puts in to make sure my sweet students and I have a great room to be in all year.
Friday, August 21, 2015
Classroom Tour 2015-2016
It's that time of year again to start putting in those long hours getting my room done! I was so thankful for my mom coming that first week of august to help me in my room. She did A LOT of work. She did all my Texas Tech decorations: locker tags, clothes pin covers, clip art, and double Ts.. She cut out lamination, helped organize files, sort construction paper, clean shelves, and organize books. She even helped me move furniture! AND she did it all with my baby nephew in tow! I could've really used her these last couple of days. I always keep finding things that need to be done. Let's take the tour of my room this year. You'll notice a consistent theme throughout......RED RAIDERS!!!!
This is where the kids will display their work. I'm proudly displaying our matador mascot. I can't wait to fill this line with the hard work of my firsties.
Yes, I'm starting the early! Indoctrination at its finest. It's all about the red raiders in this classroom. I love that I get to display my school pride while introducing these sweet babies to the possibility of college.
The back of the door just came to me today. It was one of those projects that "just came up." Since I'm team leader this year, my class is split into 4 groups for specials. I've always just had one group for specials, so I would slide the one calendar in a sheet protector. My kids could just look and know where the whole class went. Not this year. I have 4 different calendars. The kids' names are written under which group they belong in. This will also be a huge help to subs throughout the year. The shelf on the left has math materials for the kids to use during stations. The shelf on the right also has things for the kids to use. I tried to put everything the kids could use all in one place so they knew what was "theirs."
I had to get a good shot of the "Raider Power!" I've decided that this year I was going to use this as my attention signal. When I say "Raider" the kids will echo "Power." This brings me back to my college football days in the stadium! Yeah, I left today at 5:15 after getting there at 7:30 this morning. Nonstop all day.
Here's our sight word wall and reading area. That table will eventually be a station for Daily 5.
22 desks ready for my new class! Check out those sweet locker tags! Thanks mom for tracing those, printing them, and cutting them out after I laminated them. You're a rock star! #wreckem
My presentation station (part of it in the bottom left corner), my book shelf, computer station, and Daily 5 info board.
The back counter is where they keep their book boxes. That's my teacher table where I hold small groups. Don't you love my red wall? I added a picture board with pics from my years at Tech, my sister's graduation from Tech, and some other family pics.
More Tech decor on the walls. I keep all the supplies I need for small groups right next to my table. I keep a container of supplies for the kids so they're not always bringing all their stuff to the table. The pocket chart will hold coin cards and vocabulary cards/words.
You can see a little bit of my carpet area. I have mini pocket charts to place the names of kids in reading groups and spelling groups. The kids can also see what we're learning on the objective board. Notice the "Wreck em' Tech!" above the calendar? That's right!!!! Do you suppose Tech will forgive some of my student loans since I'm doing free marketing for them?
So when this little guy was here, we decided to twin it. I gave him the honorary mascot position for our classroom! If he learns anything at all from his aunt Lee Lee, it will be how to get his guns up!
I'm so excited to welcome my brand new group of firsties on Monday! #teachingfutureredraiders
Thursday, August 20, 2015
On my heart today....
My daily devotional had me inspired to write today. I just had to share what was on my heart today.
God's Perfect Timing.....so hard to understand at times.
God's Perfect Timing.....so hard to understand at times.
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Final week of summer...Recap
I spent my final week of summer being very uneventful. This was probably the only week of the whole summer where I did pretty much nothing. I mean, I hardly left my couch. I watched A LOT of Gilmore Girls this week. #mustfinishbeforeworkstarts
I usually devote the final week of summer to relaxation. The week before my mom came to visit and brought baby Jude. She helped me get my room set up. She does this just about every year. It's a personal/professional goal of mine each year to have my room pretty much finished by the end of that first week in August. When I go back, I like to do administrative work and prepping for the first week. Since it's my first year as team leader, I wanted to make sure I was extra prepared and extra organized (who knew that was even possible #squarelife) so I could help everyone else and answer questions. Tuesday, I got my hair done. I went darker and a bit shorter. I've got this dark red/brown thing going on, and I cut 3 inches of the length and had it thinned out because #haireverywhere
I mean, Mr. B and I were always finding my hair in the weirdest places. #sheddinglikeadog
We are all clearly deep in concentration.
It took me over 2 hours to finish this intricate picture. I refused to go home until it was finished. Mr. B was so proud of it, so he displayed my work on our fridge. #itslikeim5again
I usually devote the final week of summer to relaxation. The week before my mom came to visit and brought baby Jude. She helped me get my room set up. She does this just about every year. It's a personal/professional goal of mine each year to have my room pretty much finished by the end of that first week in August. When I go back, I like to do administrative work and prepping for the first week. Since it's my first year as team leader, I wanted to make sure I was extra prepared and extra organized (who knew that was even possible #squarelife) so I could help everyone else and answer questions. Tuesday, I got my hair done. I went darker and a bit shorter. I've got this dark red/brown thing going on, and I cut 3 inches of the length and had it thinned out because #haireverywhere
I mean, Mr. B and I were always finding my hair in the weirdest places. #sheddinglikeadog
Had to send the new do' to my mama
Friday, I treated myself to my monthly pedicure. How convenient that it was also time for my bi-weekly manicure. #qspanails #bon
Saturday was the only day I worked on school stuff. Mr. B worked all day, so I seriously sat at my kitchen table working until he got home.
This was my life most of the day on Saturday. #isecretlylovedit #losersquare
I splurged and bought the Erin Condren teacher planner. I had so much fun filling in dates and activities for school.
*since I'm writing this post the following Tuesday, I've had a lot of fun adding notes and details throughout the first week back to work* #dontjudge #coloredmarkersmakemehappy
We did squeeze in some fun during the weekend. Friday night, Mr. B and I went to visit Matt and Leigh Anne and their sweet baby girl, Caroline. They let us come since we brought food......hehe
I love getting to snuggle with babies #iwantone #babyjuju #stillpraying
Saturday evening we had dinner with Mr. B's parents. Meatloaf, macaroni and cheese, corn, rolls, and banana pudding. His mom thought it would be fun for us all to sit and color. She had an array of adult friendly coloring books with fun patterns and a variety of colored pencils.
Mr. B was off on Sunday, so we got to watch some Gilmore Girls and run a few errands. He let me go to Souper Salad for lunch after church since I've been craving that restaurant for a few months. He was reluctant since it's mostly salad, but since he's an awesome hubby he went along. After evening services, we went to a friend's house with other people from church for a game of Nertz. I started off hot and it was all downhill from there. We left before the game was over so I could mentally prepare for my first week back to work. I'm going to attempt the 5:30am wakeup with an immediate workout.....let's see how that goes!
I think I'm ready to head back........
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
You Have More Time Than You Think!
Ha! Yeah right! Have you seen my schedule? OK, maybe not my current schedule (since I'm soaking up the final days of summer vacation), but my regular schedule? I like to think I'm a fairly busy person. I can't imagine what my life will be like when my husband and I eventually add a tiny human to the mix. We had a trial run earlier this summer while I was not working, and I was going nonstop. I. Can't. Imagine.
As I was reading my blogs for the day, I came across this post from the Modern Mrs. Darcy. The book she talks about is about making lists of things you want to do. She broke her lists into 3 categories: personal, travel, professional. She listed 10 things she wanted to accomplish in each area. She gave no time frame for completion. These were just goals. So here are my 10 things I want to accomplish in each of those sections:
As I was reading my blogs for the day, I came across this post from the Modern Mrs. Darcy. The book she talks about is about making lists of things you want to do. She broke her lists into 3 categories: personal, travel, professional. She listed 10 things she wanted to accomplish in each area. She gave no time frame for completion. These were just goals. So here are my 10 things I want to accomplish in each of those sections:
- establish a healthy diet/exercise routine....daily
- exercise first thing in the morning
- take more couple's painting classes with Mr. B
- attend another Texas Tech football game
- spend more time with my newest nephew (and we'll be getting another new nephew at the end of October!)
- paint the front rooms in our house
- have more date nights
- cook on the grill more (this is more of a Mr. B thing....I don't really grill)
- find something to write about weekly
- read more (I've been a neglectful reader this summer)
- take more TX day trips (great idea, Leigh Anne)
- explore the wonders of small towns nearby
- spend 2 weeks in Europe-traveling all over
- Go back to Mexico....Baja this time!
- Stay at the Hard Rock in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic
- road trip up the east coast
- Washington DC
- New York
- North/South Carolina
- Tennessee (Nashville: the country saloons with live music and the Grand Ole' Opry)
- be a good team leader
- stay organized
- get more intentional with documentation
- send more positive notes home to parents
- stay on top of assessments
- plan effective team meetings
- take Spanish classes
- teach 3rd grade
- find a job closer to home
- be an instructional coach
Monday, August 3, 2015
You Know You're a Teacher in "Back to School" Mode If.....
It's August! For us teachers that's the "Sunday" of summer. It's time to get back in that groove for school. Some of us will deny back to school until that 3rd week of August when we HAVE to report back. However, there are some signs that you just can't ignore......
- you start stalking the dollar spot at Target for cheap goodies for your room
- you either start taking an interest in the Sunday paper or mooch off a friend/relative for the ads and coupons
- you make your "to-do" list for the beginning of year
- you order a $60 Erin Condren teacher planner because it's pretty, has everything in one place, and satisfies your "type A" personality.....(OK, this may be only specific to me)
- you load up on cheap school supplies that you need because you're picky and want some uniformity in your room (again, this might just be me)
- you have trouble falling asleep at night because you're imagining what you want your room to look like, bulletin board ideas, and decorations
- you interrupt a perfectly good nap because you need to call your mom to share this brilliant idea for your classroom decor
- you enlist the help of your mother, sister, husband, and any other friend and relative you have to help in the great classroom set up
- your friends and family start avoiding your phone calls so that don't get suckered into #8 (hasn't happened to me yet....I don't think)
- you
max outuse credit cards you haven't used in a while - you see something really cute but wonder how you would use it and spend way too much time in teacher stores contemplating every purchase
- you start taking professional development classes
- you get excited to start seeing your team mates on a daily basis again
- you dread setting that daily early morning alarm
- you quickly binge watch as much Netflix as you can during your "free" daytime hours
- you surf "Teachers Pay Teachers" and teaching blogs way more frequently for ideas and freebies
- you get your industrial sized fans for your room while decorating because you know there isn't any air
- you practice your patience skills for that inevitable long line at the copy machine and laminator
- you start doing finger exercises to get your fingers ready for the extreme amount of cutting to be done
- you start the countdown to Thanksgiving and Christmas break
- people start the "are you ready to go back to school?" conversations........."NO, people! I enjoy sleeping in, lazing around, shopping, and having an open-ended schedule and still knowing I'm getting a paycheck at the end of the month!"
- OK, maybe a small part is excited about a new year.....let's face it: the beginning of something new and unknown is a bit exciting
- your husband inwardly groans because he knows when school starts you don't cook as much
- you go shopping for new, comfy clothes.....maxi dresses and palazzo pants, OH MY!!!
- And finally, you practice the art of bladder control (you're lucky if you find time to potty), the art of dining in 15 minutes (lunch? who has time for lunch?), and the art of staying properly caffeinated (the 1:00 crash will come) and if these seem impossible, at least find a buddy and set up a system!
What my husband really wants to say to me

Who's ready for tax free weekend!?
last one, promise! I just had to post this for my girls since it fit us perfectly
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